Augeas module which exposes simple API for match
, set
, rm
and ins
operations. Additionally it allows lens loading through transform
operation. You can execute commands one by one or in chunk (some of them are probably sensible only in bulk mode e.g. ins
and transform
- augeas
- augeas python bindings
required: when
is not used -
choices: [
] -
Whether given path should be modified, inserted (ins command can be really used in multicommand mode), removed or matched.
Command "match" passes results through "result" attribute - every item on this list is an object with "label" and "value" (check second example below). Other commands returns true in case of any modification (so this value is always equal to "changed" attribue - this make more sens in case of bulk execution)
Every augeas action is a separate augeas session, so
command has probably only sens in bulk mode (when command=commands
:- required: when any
is used - description: Variable path.
- required: when any
:- required: when
command = set
- description: Variable value.
- required: when
:- required: when
command = ins
- description: Label for new node.
- required: when
:- required: false
- default: 'after'
- choices: [
] - description: Position of node insertion against given
- required: when
is not used - description: Execute many commands at once (some configuration entries have to be created/updated at once - it is impossible to split them across multiple "set" calls). Standard shell quoting is allowed (rember to escape all quotes inside pahts/values - check last example). Expected formats: "set PATH VALUE", "rm PATH" or "match PATH" (look into examples for more details). You can separate commands with any white characters (new lines, spaces etc.). Result is passed through
attribute and contains list of tuples: (command, command result).
- required: when
:- required: false
- description: The filesystem root - config files are searched realtively to this path (fallbacks to
which fallbacks to/
:- required: false
- description: Colon-spearated list of directories that modules should be searched in.
Simple value change
- name: Force password on sudo group action: augeas path=/files/etc/sudoers/spec[user=\"sudo\"]/host_group/command/tag value=PASSWD
Results of
command - given below action:- name: Fetch sshd allowed users action: augeas command="match" path="/files/etc/ssh/sshd_config/AllowUsers/*" register: ssh_allowed_users
you can expect value of this shape to be set in
variable:{"changed": false, "result": [{"label": "/files/etc/ssh/sshd_config/AllowUsers/1", "value": "paluh"}, {"label": "/files/etc/ssh/sshd_config/AllowUsers/2", "value": "foo"}, {"label": "/files/etc/ssh/sshd_config/AllowUsers/3", "value": "bar"}]}
Quite complex modification - fetch values lists and append new value only if it doesn't exists already in config
- name: Check whether given user is listed in sshd_config action: augeas command='match' path="/files/etc/ssh/sshd_config/AllowUsers/*[.=\"{{ user }}\"]" register: user_entry - name: Allow user to login through ssh action: augeas command="set" path="/files/etc/ssh/sshd_config/AllowUsers/01" value="{{ user }}" when: "user_entry.result|length == 0"
Bulk command execution
- name: Add piggy to /etc/hosts action: augeas commands='set /files/etc/hosts/01/ipaddr set /files/etc/hosts/01/canonical set /files/etc/hosts/01/alias[1] pigiron set /files/etc/hosts/01/alias[2] piggy'
Transform examples - it is important to load files after transformations. You have to be aware that
command will "remove everything underneath/augeas/files
, regardless of whether any entries have been modified or not" and thatload
is costly operation. You should order your commands and puttransforms
, thenload
and then other transformations.- name: Modify sshd_config in custom location action: augeas commands='transform "sshd" "incl" "/home/paluh/programming/ansible/tests/sshd_config" load match "/files/home/paluh/programming/ansible/tests/sshd_config/AllowUsers/*"'
Insert example
- name: Turn on ssh agent forwarding action: augeas commands='ins ForwardAgent before "/files/etc/ssh/sshd_config" set "/files/etc/ssh/sshd_config/ForwardAgent" "yes"'
Correct quoting in commands expressions (augeas requires quotes in path matching expressions: iface[.="eth0"])
- name: Redefine eth0 interface action: augeas commands='rm /files/etc/network/interfaces/iface[.=\"eth0\"] set /files/etc/network/interfaces/iface[last()+1] eth0 set /files/etc/network/interfaces/iface[.=\"eth0\"]/family inet set /files/etc/network/interfaces/iface[.=\"eth0\"]/method manual set /files/etc/network/interfaces/iface[.=\"eth0\"]/pre-up "ifconfig $IFACE up" set /files/etc/network/interfaces/iface[.=\"eth0\"]/pre-down "ifconfig $IFACE down"'
If you want to check files which are accessible by augeas on server just run:
ansible all -u USERNAME -i INVENTORY_FILE -m augeas -a \'command="match" path="/augeas/files//*"
In case of any errors during augeas execution of your operations this module will return content of
and you should be able to find problems related to your actions