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vuejs, vonic ui, nodejs

Practice problems

  • when does the child component init its prop

got an error Cannot convert undefined or null to object, because _labelMaps isnot init

<button-bar theme="positive" :tab-items="Object.keys(_labelMaps)"
 data() {
    return {
         _labelMaps: {Mancity: '曼城', Barca: '巴塞罗那', Barclays: '英超', All: ''}

To implement

  • package a axios,
  1. remove the requestStatus => write a loading in the axios, interceptors

  2. add console.error in catch

  • how to effect a component in popup, write it in the vonic $popup

  • how to make es7 Object.values() compatible with ios safari(works on laptop), babel-preset-env and babel-loader in config are not effect, use Object.keys() instead