Releases: MatthiasScholz/cos
v0.4.0 Nomad 1.0.2 (2021-02-13)
Overview - Nomad 1.0.2
- Release date: 2021-02-13
- 🎉 Upgrade of all dependencies.
- 👷 Automation of the release process.
Incompatilbe Changes
- Replace SSH access with AWS System Manager Session Manager (AWS SSM)
as default configuration to access the instances in the examples folder.
This DOES NOT decrease the functionality of the terraform modules usage itself.
Included Versions
- nomad: 1.0.2
- consul: 1.9.3
- fabio: 1.5.15
- terraform: 0.14
Terraform Modules
- terraform-aws-nomad: 0.7.2
- terraform-aws-consul: 0.8.4
Release Branch
- releases/v0.4.0
Do not use the out of the box configuration for your production setup
especially security and cluster access needs to be restricted better.
v0.3.0 - Upgrade to versions - Service Mesh Foundation
This release is basically a software update of nomad and consul.
With the release of nomad v0.10.0 Consul Connect was further integrated into nomad. This release should provide the basis to test the service mesh functionality.
Included Versions
- terraform: 0.12.0
- nomad: 0.10.2
- consul: 1.6.2
- fabio: 1.5.13
Terraform Modules
- terraform-aws-nomad: 0.5.0
- terraform-aws-consul: 0.7.3
Release Branch
Do not use the out of the box configuration for your production setup especially security and cluster access needs to be better restricted.
Upgrade to Terraform 0.12 + LGPL
Terraform 0.12. Support - Major (incompatible)
- With 9156e49 the license model was changed from GPL to LGPL, a more relaxed one.
Included Versions
- terraform: 0.12.0
- nomad: 0.9.0
- consul: 1.4.4
- fabio: 1.5.10
Release Branch
Do not use the out of the box configuration for your production setup especially security and cluster access needs to be better restricted.
ALB Authentication Support
This release added more terraform output variables:
- DNS name
- HTTPS targetgroup ARN
- HTTPS listener ARN
in order to support ALB Authentication configuration for the used UI ALBs:
- nomad
- consul
- fabio
and just the HTTPS targetgroup ARN for the cluster data centers:
- public, private, backoffice
Included Version
- terraform: 0.11.14
- nomad: 0.9.0
- consul: 1.4.4
- fabio: 1.5.10
Release Branch
Backward compatible change making only minor changes to terraform output.
Do not use the out of the box configuration for your production setup especially security and cluster access needs to be better restricted.
Ready for use.
Collection of terraform modules including working examples to set up nomad in AWS using different datacenters for separation of duties:
- public
- private
- content connector
- backoffice
Nomad cluster nodes are configured to use Docker and AWS ECR. A packer script to create an AWS AMI based on Amazon Linux 2 LTS is available.
Furthermore a collection of nomad job files to spin up some base service and some examples are available as well:
- InCluster-Routing using fabio
- Logging using fluentd and ElasticSearch
- Monitoring using Prometheus and Grafana
For local development purposes there two devmode setups are for different usecases provided:
- nomad devmode
- one node local cluster
Included Versions
- terraform: 0.11.14
- nomad: 0.9.0
- consul: 1.4.4
- fabio: 1.5.10
Release Branch
Even though some aspects need better fine tuning the overall framework is usable and spins up a nicely configured nomad cluster in AWS.
Do not use the out of the box configuration for your production setup especially security and cluster access needs to be better restricted.