- securityguide
- pages: The source content for the site.
- docs: Rendered static pages. These are NOT committed to this repo. Instead, these
rendered files are committed to
Install prerequisites:
brew install git
brew install ruby
git clone ssh://git@github.com/securityguide/securityguide
cd securityguide
gem install bundler
Build the static pages:
cd securityguide
make build
To view the pages via a local server:
cd securityguide
make serve
See pages/index.md
for more information.
- add the following topics
- deployment
- infrastructure as code
- AWS best practices
- obtain auth tokens from okta
- Security Documentation
- why documentation is important
- what makes a good network diagram
- data
- classification policy
- lifecycle
- minimization
- networks
- services
- connections
- logging and auditing
- Security Reviews
- requesting review
- pre-review questionnaire
- post-review process
- deployment
- improve CSS