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This library contains the API and low-level driver code to control the mod_sim_exp hardware IP core
Project website:,mod_sim_exp
The mod_sim_exp hardware IP core is meant to be used as a memory mapped peripheral in an embedded system. The hardware IP core is designed as a hardware accelerator for large-number modular arithmetic. E.g. it can compute xa yb mod m. Where x,y and m are n-bit numbers and a and b are of arbitrary length.
The hardware accelerator is connected to a central (embedded) CPU over e.g. AXI bus. We assume that the CPU runs Linux and that the mod_sim_exp can be accessed as a UIO device.
This library uses both the UIO driver model and the GMP multi-precision library.
UIO info:
GMP project page:
Source code for a test bench program that verifies the correct operation of the hardware IP core.