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ZXCVBNM Alter playback speed (-100x, -10x, -1x, 0x, +1x, +10x, +100x)
AS Zoom In/Out
- The author can also be contacted in the IRC channel #gamedev on under the alias MaulingMonkey
- File github issues, I don't mind :)
- Visual Studio 2008 ( no solution for Express, sorry )
- SlimDX Developer SDK
- Direct3D9
You can browse and observe project development at
If you simply want to track changes, read only git access is available at:
git clone git://
svn checkout
- Open TtyRecMonkey.sln
- Build it.
- Select the project TtyRecMonkey and make it your startup project before running.
- Alternatively, launch bin\x86\Debug\TtyRecMonkey.exe or bin\x86\Release\TtyRecMonkey.exe
- Select a non-compressed ttyrec file and open it
PuttyDLL is a native C project which is almost a direct replica of PUTTY.DSP project from the official PuTTY source code.
Key differences:
- It's been converted to a VS2008 project via the upgrade manager (which worked flawlessly)
- It now generates DLLs instead of EXEs
- _*_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE have been added to supress warning spam from standard library functions
- export.c has been added which exposes methods for PuttySharp (C#) to PInvoke
- Other source files may be modified to expose more to export.c -- should be mostly cosmetic/making availbe outside the TU
PuttySharp is a C# library which wraps the methods exposed by PuttyDLL for easier consumption in C#
It is currently small enough that it ended up well commented and designed. This probably won't last very long.
ShinyConsole is a C# program which provides and tests SlimDX/D3D9 based console text rendering
It is crufty and in need of sanitization.
It is used as a library by TtyPlayer, despite being a program.
TtyRecMonkey is the main C# program which is the point of this project. It is not well written.
It currently handles:
- Parsing (to be spin off?) of TtyRecs
- Basic playback of TtyRecs