Hi 👋,
I am Maurício Meneghini Fauth, a PHP developer and member of the phpMyAdmin development team.
You can support my work on phpMyAdmin through GitHub Sponsors or by donating directly to phpMyAdmin.
- phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin - A web interface for MySQL and MariaDB (1 day ago)
- phpmyadmin/composer - Read only composer repository for phpMyAdmin (5 days ago)
- phpmyadmin/sql-parser - A validating SQL lexer and parser with a focus on MySQL dialect. (2 weeks ago)
- phpmyadmin/shapefile - ESRI ShapeFile library for PHP (2 weeks ago)
- phpmyadmin/motranslator - Translation API for PHP using Gettext MO files (1 month ago)
- php/web-php - The www.php.net site (1 month ago)
- tecnickcom/TCPDF - Official clone of PHP library to generate PDF documents and barcodes (1 month ago)
- php/doc-en - English PHP documentation (2 months ago)
- phpmyadmin/history - Historical data (2 months ago)
- phpmyadmin/twig-i18n-extension - The phpMyAdmin project's fork of the Twig i18n extension (2 months ago)
- Remove some global variables from export plugins on phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin (2 days ago)
- Remove some export plugins global variables on phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin (5 days ago)
- Add ExportPlugin::setExportOptions() method on phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin (1 week ago)
- Remove the ResponseRenderer::checkParameters() method on phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin (1 week ago)
- Replace sql_query global var with Current::$sqlQuery on phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin (1 week ago)
- sebastianbergmann/phpunit (11.5.2, 1 day ago) - The PHP Unit Testing framework.
- phpmyadmin/sql-parser (5.10.2, 2 weeks ago) - A validating SQL lexer and parser with a focus on MySQL dialect.
- laminas/laminas-continuous-integration-action (1.40.1, 2 months ago) - GitHub Action for running a QA check
- phpmyadmin/twig-i18n-extension (4.1.3, 3 months ago) - The phpMyAdmin project's fork of the Twig i18n extension
- phpmyadmin/shapefile (3.0.2, 1 year ago) - ESRI ShapeFile library for PHP
- Email: mauricio@mfauth.net
- Fediverse: @mauriciofauth@phpc.social