- 👋 Hi, I’m @MaxFmr aka Maxime KERLIDOU
- 🇫🇷 I'm au French Full-stack JS/TS programer
- 💞️ I’m looking to feed my curiosity
- 📫 How to reach me : 📧 maxime.kerlidou@gmail.com / instagram @max_fmr_dev
- https://maximekerlidou.fr,
- Writer and webmaster at https://www.devducoin.dev
"Listen, Analyze, Build, and Share. In our rapidly changing world, digital expertise is a pillar. It is a vector of existential empowerment, allowing one to learn, grow, create, and improve their daily life. Digital culture should no longer be esoteric; it is the role of technicians, developers, and engineers to be facilitators and knowledge transferors."
My favorites subjects : Web develpment, TypeScript, NextJs, NodeJS, React, All the frontend frameworks, Music, MAO, Blockchain ...