The purpose of this repository is to measure performance differences between PVs on AKS:
- PV mounted from Azure data lake Gen2 (data resides remote to the node)
- PV local to the node (data resides on the node)
Setup Azure infrastructure
- AKS cluster
- Storage account #1 (Azure datalake gen2)
- Storage account #2 (Azure files)
- Storage account #3 (Azure blob store)
Deploy four instances of a web API with GET endpoint to retrieve data from the four different storage solutions
Use k6 to measure performance differences between the four instances
: Generated byaz ad sp create-for-rbac --name "demo" --role contributor --scopes /subscriptions/<subscription id>/resourceGroups/<resource-group> --json-auth
- Make sure the AKS can access ACR:
az aks update -n <name aks> -g <aks resource group> --attach-acr <name of acr>
- Store latest ACR url and credentials in github repo secrets
- Store latest storage account access key in github repo secret