Hello everyone welcome to our analysis on GMS v95.1
- This document is a work in progress
- This is not a professional document
- The primary focus is on what I d to do to create localhost
- There is too much for me to go into excruciating detail about
- Please contribute if you know anything more !!!
Class used to handle anti cheat integration
- Houses HackShield related fields in this version
- In other versions houses NGS and XignCode3 relations fields
- Is a TSingleton
In lots of places in the client usage of CSecurityClient looks like such (pseudo):
if ( TSingleton<CSecurityClient>::IsInstantiated() )
//Usage of class such as
PatchRetZero here can save you lots of patches you'd have to do in other places otherwise.
// write access to const memory has been detected, the output may be wrong!
void __thiscall CSecurityClient::CSecurityClient(CSecurityClient *this)
CSecurityClient *v1; // edi
TSecType<int> *v2; // esi
int v3; // eax
char v4; // dl
TSecData<int> *v5; // ecx
int v6; // eax
TSecData<int> *v7; // edx
int v8; // eax
char v9; // cl
v1 = this;
v2 = &this->m_bInitModule;
if ( this == (CSecurityClient *)-4 )
TSingleton<CSecurityClient>::ms_pInstance = 0;
TSingleton<CSecurityClient>::ms_pInstance = this;
this->vfptr = (CSecurityClientVtbl *)&CSecurityClient::`vftable';
this->m_bInitModule.m_secdata = (TSecData<int> *)ZAllocEx<ZAllocAnonSelector>::Alloc(
v2->FakePtr1 = (unsigned int)&v2[-1365].FakePtr2 + rand();
v3 = rand();
v4 = v2->FakePtr1;
v5 = v2->m_secdata;
v2->FakePtr2 = (unsigned int)&v2[-1365].FakePtr2 + v3;
v5->FakePtr1 = v4;
v2->m_secdata->FakePtr2 = v2->FakePtr2;
TSecType<int>::SetData(v2, 0);
v1->m_bStartModule.m_secdata = (TSecData<int> *)ZAllocEx<ZAllocAnonSelector>::Alloc(
v1->m_bStartModule.FakePtr1 = (unsigned int)&v1[-52].m_szHShieldPath[rand() + 20];
v6 = rand();
v7 = v1->m_bStartModule.m_secdata;
v1->m_bStartModule.FakePtr2 = (unsigned int)&v1[-52].m_szHShieldPath[v6 + 20];
v7->FakePtr1 = v1->m_bStartModule.FakePtr1;
v1->m_bStartModule.m_secdata->FakePtr2 = v1->m_bStartModule.FakePtr2;
TSecType<int>::SetData(&v1->m_bStartModule, 0);
v1->m_nThreatCode = 0;
v1->m_nThreatParamSize.m_secdata = (TSecData<long> *)ZAllocEx<ZAllocAnonSelector>::Alloc(
v1->m_nThreatParamSize.FakePtr1 = (unsigned int)&v1[-52].m_szHShieldPath[rand() + 36];
v8 = rand();
v9 = v1->m_nThreatParamSize.FakePtr1;
v1->m_nThreatParamSize.FakePtr2 = (unsigned int)&v1[-52].m_szHShieldPath[v8 + 36];
v1->m_nThreatParamSize.m_secdata->FakePtr1 = v9;
v1->m_nThreatParamSize.m_secdata->FakePtr2 = v1->m_nThreatParamSize.FakePtr2;
TSecType<long>::SetData(&v1->m_nThreatParamSize, 0);
v1->m_pThreatParam = 0;
v1->m_hMainWnd = 0;
void __thiscall CSecurityClient::InitModule(CSecurityClient *this)
CSecurityClient *v1; // esi
unsigned int v2; // eax
int v3; // eax
int (__stdcall **pExceptionObject)(ZXString<char> *); // [esp+4h] [ebp-214h]
unsigned int v5; // [esp+8h] [ebp-210h]
CHAR sModulePath; // [esp+Ch] [ebp-20Ch]
char v7; // [esp+Dh] [ebp-20Bh]
unsigned __int8 sModuleFolderPath; // [esp+110h] [ebp-108h]
char v9; // [esp+111h] [ebp-107h]
v1 = this;
sModuleFolderPath = 0;
memset(&v9, 0, 0x103u);
sModulePath = 0;
memset(&v7, 0, 0x103u);
GetModuleFolderName((char *)&sModuleFolderPath);
_mbsnbcpy((unsigned __int8 *)&sModulePath, &sModuleFolderPath, 0x104u);
_mbsnbcat((unsigned __int8 *)&sModulePath, "\\HShield", 8u);
_mbsnbcpy((unsigned __int8 *)v1->m_szHShieldPath, (const unsigned __int8 *)&sModulePath, 0x104u);
v2 = _AhnHS_HSUpdateA(&sModulePath, 600000u, 20000u);
if ( v2 )
v5 = v2;
pExceptionObject = CSecurityUpdateFailed::`vftable';
_CxxThrowException(&pExceptionObject, &_TI2_AVCSecurityUpdateFailed__);
_mbsnbcpy((unsigned __int8 *)&sModulePath, &sModuleFolderPath, 0x104u);
_mbsnbcat((unsigned __int8 *)&sModulePath, "\\HShield\\EHSvc.dll", 0x12u);
v3 = _AhnHS_InitializeA(&sModulePath, (int)_AhnHS_Callback, 9947, (int)"B7621D704ED72C489EE54605", 46808511, 1);
if ( v3 )
v5 = v3;
pExceptionObject = CSecurityInitFailed::`vftable';
_CxxThrowException(&pExceptionObject, &_TI2_AVCSecurityInitFailed__);
TSecType<int>::SetData(&v1->m_bInitModule, 1);
void __thiscall CSecurityClient::ClearModule(CSecurityClient *this)
TSecType<int> *v1; // esi
signed int v2; // eax
int (__stdcall **pExceptionObject)(ZXString<char> *); // [esp+4h] [ebp-8h]
int v4; // [esp+8h] [ebp-4h]
v1 = &this->m_bInitModule;
if ( TSecType<int>::GetData(&this->m_bInitModule) )
v2 = _AhnHS_Uninitialize();
if ( v2 )
v4 = v2;
pExceptionObject = CSecurityClearFailed::`vftable';
_CxxThrowException(&pExceptionObject, &_TI2_AVCSecurityClearFailed__);
TSecType<int>::SetData(v1, 0);
void __thiscall CSecurityClient::StartModule(CSecurityClient *this)
CSecurityClient *v1; // esi
signed int v2; // eax
int (__stdcall **v3)(ZXString<char> *); // [esp+0h] [ebp-Ch]
int v4; // [esp+4h] [ebp-8h]
v1 = this;
v2 = _AhnHS_StartService();
if ( v2 )
v4 = v2;
v3 = CSecurityInitFailed::`vftable';
_CxxThrowException(&v3, &_TI2_AVCSecurityInitFailed__);
v1->m_dwCallbackTime = GetTickCount();
TSecType<int>::SetData(&v1->m_bStartModule, 1);
void __thiscall CSecurityClient::StopModule(CSecurityClient *this)
TSecType<int> *v1; // esi
signed int v2; // eax
int (__stdcall **pExceptionObject)(ZXString<char> *); // [esp+4h] [ebp-8h]
int v4; // [esp+8h] [ebp-4h]
v1 = &this->m_bStartModule;
if ( TSecType<int>::GetData(&this->m_bStartModule) )
v2 = _AhnHS_StopService();
if ( v2 )
v4 = v2;
pExceptionObject = CSecurityClearFailed::`vftable';
_CxxThrowException(&pExceptionObject, &_TI2_AVCSecurityClearFailed__);
TSecType<int>::SetData(v1, 0);
//Just throws an exception if HS error code is set
//Checks CSecurityClient->m_nThreatCode is a bad HS return code and throw ( result > 0x10501 )
signed int __thiscall CSecurityClient__Update(_DWORD *this)
signed int result; // eax
bool v2; // zf
bool v3; // sf
unsigned __int8 v4; // of
int (__stdcall **v5)(int); // [esp+0h] [ebp-8h]
int v6; // [esp+4h] [ebp-4h]
result = this[7];
if ( result > 0x10501 )
if ( result > 0x10801 )
if ( result != 0x10A01 )
return result;
v6 = this[7];
v5 = &off_BF643C;
sub_A68B61((int)&v5, &_TI2_AVCSecurityThreatDetected__);
JUMPOUT(*(_DWORD *)algn_A52B42);
if ( result == 0x10801 || result == 67073 )
goto LABEL_18;
if ( result <= 0x10700 )
return result;
v4 = __OFSUB__(result, 67333);
v2 = result == 67333;
v3 = result - 67333 < 0;
if ( !((unsigned __int8)(v3 ^ v4) | v2) )
return result;
goto LABEL_18;
if ( result == 0x10501 )
goto LABEL_18;
if ( result > 0x10303 )
if ( result < 0x10306 )
return result;
v4 = __OFSUB__(result, 66312);
v2 = result == 66312;
v3 = result - 66312 < 0;
goto LABEL_10;
if ( result >= 0x10301 || result == 0x10102 || result == 0x10104 )
goto LABEL_18;
return result;
- Game checks
dos header magic to see if its been tampered - Game removes loopback adapters ( TODO: Add the winapi call name here )
GetIpAddrTable GetAdaptersInfo
calls used to check adapter stuff ?- Client checks for the HackShield mutex
- Client checks to see if
is loaded - Client literally does an IAT count on the
to see if its been tampered. I just loaded original - Client checks
mutex for multi client
- Game is fucking booby trapped with IP checks
- It's not worth me pointing out where ( will eventually )
- But basically getpeername is called, just return the expected IP
- Sad thing is they have heavy API checks on winsock so use the WSP variants like I do
- TODO: Talk more about the
and heavy winapi checks ( xxxx.nst )
is called inCWvsApp::Run
is inCWvsApp::CallUpdate
is inCWvsApp::Run
| Also contains CSecurityClient check belowCWvsApp->m_tLastSecurityCheck
is inCWvsApp::Run
Everyday I pray and ask god what this done but I am unsure. All i know is i have to spoof it so client doesn't crash.
Thisis inside m_tLastServerIPCheck2
Checks if some files in the HShield folder exist 3N.mhe, v3warpds.v3d, v3warpns.v3d
Checks _AhnHS_StartSerice
( 0x00000201 )
Checks CSecurityClient->m_dwCallbackTime
is <= 60000
if ( TSingleton_CSecurityClient__IsInstantiated() )
v22 = '\x01';
v15 = '3';
v16 = 'N';
v17 = '.';
v18 = 'm';
v19 = 'h';
v20 = 'e';
v21 = '\0';
v25 = 'v';
v26 = '3';
v27 = 'w';
v28 = 'a';
v29 = 'r';
v30 = 'p';
v31 = 'd';
v32 = 's';
v33 = '.';
v34 = 'v';
v35 = '3';
v36 = 'd';
v37 = '\0';
v10 = TSingleton_CSecurityClient__GetInstance();
sub_A6A463(&FileName, "%s\\%s", v10 + 52);
hObject = CreateFileA(&FileName, 0x40000000u, 0, 0, 3u, 0, 0);
if ( GetLastError() != 32 )
v22 = 0;
if ( hObject != (HANDLE)-1 )
if ( _AhnHS_StartService() != 513 )
v22 = 0;
v11 = GetTickCount();
if ( v11 - *(_DWORD *)(TSingleton_CSecurityClient__GetInstance() + 48) > 60000 )
v22 = 0;
Relevant HS callback to above
int __stdcall _AhnHS_Callback(int lCode, int lParamSize, void *pParam)
if ( lCode == 65537 )
if ( TSingleton<CSecurityClient>::ms_pInstance )
TSingleton<CSecurityClient>::ms_pInstance->m_dwCallbackTime = GetTickCount();
return 0;
else if ( TSingleton<CSecurityClient>::ms_pInstance )
TSingleton<CSecurityClient>::ms_pInstance->m_nThreatCode = lCode;
TSecType<long>::SetData(&TSingleton<CSecurityClient>::ms_pInstance->m_nThreatParamSize, lParamSize);
TSingleton<CSecurityClient>::ms_pInstance->m_pThreatParam = pParam;
return 0;
I am still trying to figure this out. Please contribute if you know !!! -
Crc32__GetCrc32 -
Crc32__GetCrc32_VMCRC -
Crc32__GetCrc32_VMTABLE -
Click here to view the rebuilt functions. Contribution and special thanks to LastBattle.
Ignore this super shitty pseudo analysis below until I actually solve it. PatchRetZero to skip the call. This MSCRC bypass still used in v200 GMS today. However it skips some game code we need actually need !!! ( Closing UI's and other shit )
//Three VM sections in here
void CWvsContext::OnEnterField()
bAuth is a parameter/ret in a MSCRC function (?)
bAuth = 0
var24 = 0
var28 = CClientSocket::SendPacket
Check first byte of CClientSocket::SendPacket against:
(0x55 or 0xB8 or 0x6A )
//This mov may have been insert manually
_text:009DBF79 058 C7 45 E8 15 08 45 19 mov [ebp+dwThemidaCheckValue], 19450815h
Compare ebp_dwThemidaCheckValue to the hardcoded value
Nopped Shit I need to RE
Check value of ` bAuth `
_text:009DBF53 058 31 DB xor ebx, ebx
_text:009DBF55 058 31 D2 xor edx, edx
_text:009DBF57 058 31 F6 xor esi, esi
_text:009DBF59 058 31 FF xor edi, edi
_text:009DBF5B 058 31 ED xor ebp, ebp
_text:009DBF5D 058 64 A1 18 00 00 00 mov eax, large fs:18h
_text:009DBF63 058 8B 48 08 mov ecx, [eax+8]
_text:009DBF66 058 8B 40 04 mov eax, [eax+4]
_text:009DBF69 loc_9DBF69: ; CODE XREF: CWvsContext::OnEnterField(void)+B2↓j
_text:009DBF69 058 39 C8 cmp eax, ecx
_text:009DBF6B 058 76 07 jbe short loc_9DBF74
_text:009DBF6D 058 83 E8 04 sub eax, 4
_text:009DBF70 058 89 18 mov [eax], ebx
_text:009DBF72 058 EB F5 jmp short loc_9DBF69
This function checks for the debug register. PatchRetZero
This function removes the module from the module list. This crashes on anything higher than Win7. PatchRetZero
void __cdecl HideDll(HINSTANCE__ *hModule)
_LDR_MODULE *pLdrModule; // [esp+0h] [ebp-8h]
for ( pLdrModule = (_LDR_MODULE *)NtCurrentTeb()->ProcessEnvironmentBlock->Ldr->InLoadOrderModuleList.Flink;
pLdrModule->BaseAddress && pLdrModule->BaseAddress != hModule;
pLdrModule = (_LDR_MODULE *)pLdrModule->InLoadOrderModuleList.Flink )
if ( pLdrModule->BaseAddress )
pLdrModule->InLoadOrderModuleList.Blink->Flink = pLdrModule->InLoadOrderModuleList.Flink;
pLdrModule->InLoadOrderModuleList.Flink->Blink = pLdrModule->InLoadOrderModuleList.Blink;
pLdrModule->InMemoryOrderModuleList.Blink->Flink = pLdrModule->InMemoryOrderModuleList.Flink;
pLdrModule->InMemoryOrderModuleList.Flink->Blink = pLdrModule->InMemoryOrderModuleList.Blink;
pLdrModule->InInitializationOrderModuleList.Blink->Flink = pLdrModule->InInitializationOrderModuleList.Flink;
pLdrModule->InInitializationOrderModuleList.Flink->Blink = pLdrModule->InInitializationOrderModuleList.Blink;
pLdrModule->HashTableEntry.Blink->Flink = pLdrModule->HashTableEntry.Flink;
pLdrModule->HashTableEntry.Flink->Blink = pLdrModule->HashTableEntry.Blink;
memset(pLdrModule, 0, 0x48u);
Self explanatory. Called in WinMain. PatchRetZero
void __cdecl SendHSLog(unsigned int dwErrCode)
ZXString<char> *v1; // eax
ZXString<char> result; // [esp+0h] [ebp-314h]
char szPath[260]; // [esp+4h] [ebp-310h]
char szHShieldPath[260]; // [esp+108h] [ebp-20Ch]
char szCharacterName[260]; // [esp+20Ch] [ebp-108h]
szPath[0] = 0;
memset(&szPath[1], 0, 0x103u);
szHShieldPath[0] = 0;
memset(&szHShieldPath[1], 0, 0x103u);
szCharacterName[0] = 0;
memset(&szCharacterName[1], 0, 0x103u);
GetModuleFileNameA(0, szPath, 0x104u);
_mbsrchr((const unsigned __int8 *)szPath, 0x5Cu)[1] = 0;
sprintf(szHShieldPath, "%s\\HShield", szPath);
v1 = CConfig::GetSessionCharacterName((CConfig *)TSingleton<CConfig>::ms_pInstance._m_pStr, &result);
sprintf(szCharacterName, "MapleStory_Global:%s", v1->_m_pStr);
if ( result._m_pStr )
ZXString<char>::_Release((ZXString<char>::_ZXStringData *)result._m_pStr - 1);
_AhnHS_SendHsLogA(dwErrCode, (int)szCharacterName, (int)szHShieldPath);
This function sends client crash reports. It makes some reporting window pop up. PatchRetZero
void __thiscall CeTracer::Run(CeTracer *this)
if ( this->ET_ErrorCode )
Start_eTracer(this->ET_ErrorCode, this->ET_MaxErrorCnt);
- Explain the order of operations / sequence of events
- Login IP dynamic initializer
- MSLoop_Remove();
- CWvsApp::ConnectLogin(thisa, v5);
- InitSafeDll_iphdll();