Personal reimplementation of some ML algorithm for learning purposes
This repo is only made by myself (Maxence Giraud), I do not seek additional contributors (although you can open an issue if you find a mistake or have a constructive comment) as it has only learning purposes and no other intentions.
If you want to see the work to come and in progress, you can go to the project tab.
- NumPy
- SciPy
- Matplotlib (for plots only)
- Gym (RL environment, not directly used in the algorithms)
The requirements can be installed through this simple command :
pip install -r requirements.txt
Some readme have written LaTeX, you can view them locally with some capable reader (e.g. VSCode) or using extensions (e.g. here for Firefox).
To install, simply clone the project (don't forget the requirements first) :
git clone
cd MachineLearningAlgos/
- The machine learning algorithms are programmed in a similar fashion as sklearn.
- The deep learning framework is conceived in a Keras-like manner.
- The Reinforcement Learning take as input gym-like environments.
import mla
X,y = load_your_data()
clf = QDA(),y)
##### Unsupevized learning
clust = mla.DBSCAN(eps=5)
##### Deep Learning
from mla import dl
nn = dl.NeuralNetwork(X.shape[1:],loss=dl.MSE())
##### Multi-armed bandits
from mla import mab
arms = [mab.arms.Bernoulli(0.8),mab.arms.Exponential(2),mab.arms.Gaussian(2.4),mab.arms.Gaussian(1.5)]
bandit = mab.MAB(arms)
T = 100 # Number of trials
ucb = mab.UCB(bandit.nbArms)
ts = mab.ThompsonSampling(bandit.nbArms)
etc = mab.ETC(bandit.nbArms,T)
mab.bandit_env.RunExpes([ucb,ts,etc],bandit,N_exp=10,timeHorizon=T) # Compare the different algorithms
Other examples on how to use the algorithms can be found in the file
To run unittest :
python -m unittest tests/*/*
Some explainations of the algorithms can be found in the readme of their folders, for more thorough reviews check the references.
Algorithms that I plan to implement are written in the projects tab.
- KNN (classifier+regressor)
- Logistic Regression/ Perceptron
- Least squares linear regression/classification
- Least squares polynomial Regression/classification
- Ridge
- CART Decision Tree
- Gaussian process Regressor
- Naive Bayes (Bernoulli, Gaussian and Multinomial)
- Kernel Ridge
- Kernel KNN
- K-means
- K-medoids
- Gaussian Mixture with EM algorithm
- Spectral Clustering
- Hierarchical Clustering
- Fuzzy C-means
- Kernel K-medoids
- Stochastic gradient descent
- Mini batch Gradient descent
- Epsilon-Delta private SGD
- Adam
- Nadam (Nesterov Adam)
- Adagrad
All the following loss support weights (if given to fit method, it is done automatically)
Credits to Emilie Kaufmann for the bandit environment.
- kl UCB
- Explore Then Commit
- Follow the Leader (FTL)
- Thompson sampling
- Linear UCB
- Linear Thompson sampling
For non stationary bandits, see my other repo here.
- Value iteration
- Q-learning
- Deep Q-learning
- Advantage Actor Critic (Need PyTorch)
- PCA (for Probabilistic/Bayesian PCA view other repo here)
- Kernel PCA
A KernelFusion is also available that allows to combine kernels w.r.t. differents features of the data
- Rational Quadratic
- Exp Sin Squared
- Polynomial
- Laplacian
- Chi Squared
- Sigmoid
- Linear
- Cosine Similarity
- Matérn
- (Normalized) Intersection Kernel (between categorical data)
- Median Absolute error
- R2 score
- Accuracy score
- Zero one loss
The references of the algorithms themselves are for the most part written in the docstring of the corresponding class
[1] M. BISHOP, Christopher. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning. Springer, 2011.
[2] TIBSHIRANI, Robert, HASTIE, Trevor y FRIEDMAN JEROME, . The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction, Second Edition. Springer, 2016.
[3] P. MURPHY, Kevin. Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective. The MIT Press, 2012.
[4] Scikit-learn: Machine Learning in Python, Pedregosa et al., JMLR 12, pp. 2825-2830, 2011.
[5] Courses from Master Data Science held at the University of Lille, France