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RESTful Service Report

Fulin Huang edited this page Mar 4, 2019 · 4 revisions

RESTful Service Report


For Deliverable 2, all the use cases of the employer viewpoint are available as RESTful services using Java Spring technology. The services need to persist data by using the persistence layer developed in Sprint 1. Next section will briefly summarize all the RESTful service endpoints we implemented in Deliverable 2.

Brief Summary of RESTful Service Endpoints :


The system shall enable employer to create account on the Login page using their company name, email and password.
Method: POST
URL: /employers OR /employers/
Operation: By calling the createEmployer method, employer should be able to sign up an employer account.
Parameter: EmployerDto object


The system shall enable employer to log in to the system using their email and password on the log in page.
Method: GET
URL: /login OR /login/
Operation: Checks email and password. If email and password match any of the existing employer profile, then employer is able to log in.
Parameters: String email, String password


The system shall enable employer to view a list of students supervised by that employer currently or in the past.
Method: GET
URL: /employer/{employerId}/students OR /employer/{employerId}/students/
Operation: By calling the getStudents method, an employer could be able to view a list of students supervised by him.
Parameter: int employerId


The system shall enable employer to access individual student’s coop term profile.
Method: GET
URL: /{id} OR /{id}/
Operation: A detail information about a student’s coop term is retrieved by calling the getCoopTerm method. An employer could be able to view this detail in by clicking on a student’s name.
Parameters: int coopTermId


The system shall enable employer to download the student evaluation form in the form of PDF documents.
Method: GET
URL: /{id} OR /{id}/
Operation: The student evaluation form in PDF form is retrieved by calling the getCoopTerm method. An employer could be able to download it by clicking the link.
Parameter: int coopTermId


The system shall enable employer to upload the student evaluation form in the form of PDF documents.
Method: PUT
URL: /{id} OR /{id}/
Operation: Employer is able to upload the student evaluation form on the coop term page. By calling the UpdateCoopTerm method, the coop term information is updated.
Parameter: int coopTermId, CoopTerm object


The system shall enable employer to download enrolment required documents (proof of co-op placement and tax credit forms) in the form of PDF documents.
Method: GET
URL: /{id} OR /{id}/
Operation: The enrolment requirement documents are retrieved by calling the getCoopTerm method. An employer could be able to download the documents by clicking on the links.
Parameter: int CoopTermId


The system shall enable employer to view upcoming events.
URL: /events OR /events/
Operation: All events information are retrieved by calling getAllEvents method. Employer is able to view all the events on the event tab.
Parameter: None


The system shall provide employers the link to the tax credit form instructions.
This requirement will be implemented in deliverable 3 web frontend.


The system shall enable employer to confirm the student co-op status. There are two status: active and inactive.
URL: /{id} OR /{id}/
Operation: By calling the updateCoopTerm with ID and coopTerm parameters, employer is able to confirm the student co-op status.
Parameters: int coopTermId, CoopTerm coopTerm

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