Releases: McKay42/McOsu
Steam Release (Windows + Linux + macOS + VR)
McOsu is now available for free on Steam.
This means automatic updates for everyone (on Steam), and easier integration for VR players.
Windows Alpha 27
- Added note blocking/locking (enabled by default!)
- Added "Note Blocking" toggle (Options > Gameplay > General)
- Added background fadein/fadeout during Breaks
- Added "FadeIn Background during Breaks" toggle (Options > Gameplay > General)
- Added "Use osu!next Slider Style" (Options > Skin > Skin)
- Added "Show Approach Circle on First Hidden Object" (Options > Gameplay > General)
- Added "Use combo color as tint for slider border" (Options > Skin > Skin)
- Separated "Slider Opacity" and "SliderBody Opacity" (Options > Skin > Skin)
- Added "Boss Key (Minimize)" keybind (Options > Input > Keyboard > Keys - Universal)
- Added "Scrubbing" keybind, defaults to SHIFT (Options > Input > Keyboard > Keys - In-Game)
- Added "Draw Scrubbing Timeline" (Options > Gameplay > HUD)
- Added "Quick Save" + "Quick Load" keybinds, default to F6 + F7 (Options > Input > Keyboard > Keys - In-Game)
- Added arrow key support to override sliders (left/right with a 0.1 stepsize)
- Updated slider startcircle & endcircle fadeout with hidden, to match recent osu changes
- Changed hitobject sorting to draw simultaneous objects on top of active objects (circles during sliders, 2B etc.)
- Made scrubbing rebindable, added minimalistic scrubbing timeline UI (also shows quicksaves)
- While the timeline is visible, left click scrubs, and right click sets the quicksave time (in addition to the keybind)
- Improved scrubbing to only seek within the playable hitobject time (instead of the whole song)
- Inverted ALT key behaviour for override sliders (default stepsize is now 0.1, smaller stepsize of 0.01 while ALT is held)
- Fixed incorrect opsu circle radius scaling within some aspect ratio ranges (CS was too high/difficult by as much as x0.2)
- Fixed reverse arrows counting towards accuracy
- Fixed jerky spinner spin sound
Windows Alpha 26
- Added partial collection.db support (read-only!)
- Collections will atm contain all diffs of a beatmap, even if only 1 diff has been added to the collection in osu!
- Partial diffs of beatmaps in collections will be tinted orange
- Empty collections will not be visible
- Searching in collections will search all beatmaps and throw you back to "No Grouping"
- Added "By Difficulty" sorting (displays all beatmaps, sorted by their contained highest star rating diff)
- Added "Unlimited FPS" option (Options > Graphics > Renderer)
- Added slider preview to options (Options > Skin > Skin)
- Added "SliderBorder Size" slider (Options > Skin > Skin)
- Added "Use slidergradient.png" option (Options > Skin > Skin)
- Improved thumbnail loading (scheduled loads of beatmap background image paths which become invisible before the load is finished will no longer trigger a useless image load upon finishing)
- This means that if you scroll with a higher velocity than 1 beatmap per 0.1 seconds per window height, thumbnails will load quicker
- Fixed Stacking once and for all
- Fixed slider repeats giving too many points (they were counted as full circle hits additionally, instead of just 30 points)
- Score calculation is still not 100% accurate (slidertick placement)
- Fixed only the last few seconds of a song getting replayed upon returning to the songbrowser
- Fixed random beatmap selection only selecting up to the 32767th available beatmap
- Fixed Notes Per Second not scaling correctly with the Speed Multiplier
- Fixed slider parser (hitSound/sampleType parameter for every slider circle including repeats)
- Fixed key1/key2 getting released incorrectly when mixing mouse buttons and keyboard keys while playing
- Fixed OsuUISongBrowserButton animations getting stuck when switching tabs (Grouping, Searching, Collections)
- Fixed incorrect sliderball image scaling
- Fixed mouse buttons very rarely blocking keyboard keys (with mouse buttons disabled), getting m_bMouseKey1Down/m_bMouseKey2Down stuck
- Moved "Shrinking Sliders" option from "Bullshit" to "Hitobjects" (Options > Gameplay > Hitobjects)
Windows Alpha 25
- Changed HitWindowMiss calculation from (500 - OD*10) ms to a constant 400 ms (clicks within this delta can count as misses)
- Added osu!.db database support (read-only! nothing is modified) (Options > osu!folder)
- Added partial Score + Ranking Screen (no local scores yet)
- Added "stars" and "length" search parameters (only available if osu!.db support is enabled)
- Added star display to songbrowser (only available if osu!.db support is enabled)
- Added multi state mod button support, added Nightcore + Sudden Death + Perfect mods
- Added Mod Select hotkeys (Options > Keyboard > Keys > Mod Select)
- Added SliderBody Opacity slider (Options > Skin > Skin)
- Added "Disable Mouse Buttons" keybind (Options > Input > Keyboard)
- Added "Save Screenshot" keybind
- Added "Player Name" textbox to options
- Added new experimental mod "Random"
- Added osu_draw_reverse_order command for experimental purposes (EZ reading, 1 to activate)
- Added osu_stacking command for experimental purposes (0 to disable stacks, 1 to enable)
- Added osu_playfield_stretch_x/y commands for experimental purposes (0.0 = osu, 1.0 = fullscreen, -2.0 = squish etc.)
- Hitobject fadeout durations are now scaled with the speed multiplier (DT/HT/etc.)
- Wobble mod is now compensated for speed. Added osu_mod_wobble_frequency and osu_mod_wobble_rotation_speed commands
- Fixed missing ApproachCircle in options skin preview from previous version
- Fixed alt-tab while m_bIsWaiting causing invisible clickable pause menu
- Fixed "Disable Mouse Wheel in Play Mode" also being active while not playing
Windows Alpha 24
- Added full unicode support (not in visible glyphs, but everything else)
- Skins & Songs with non-ASCII characters should all work now (files & paths)
- Intentionally not-loaded glyphs will still show as '?', drawing text is independent
- Improved input handling (less cursor teleports, alt-tab behaviour, focus loss, etc.)
- "Map Absolute Raw Input to Window" now actually works correctly with letterboxing
- Approach Circles are now drawn on top of everything
- Hitresult images and hiterrorbar lines are now cleared on every reset/restart
- Fixed OD in statistics overlay not scaling with Speed Multiplier
Windows Alpha 23
- Changed sliderfollowcircle size factor to 2.4 (like in osu)
- Sliders should now be as difficult as in osu, leaving a slider now requires you to go within the circleradius to continue (was sliderfollowcircle radius before)
- Added preliminary update check & notification (no automatic update installation yet, that will be in the next version, shit's hard yo)
- Added Miss counter to statistics overlay (Options > Gameplay > HUD)
- Added Rainbow Numbers as an option (Options > Bullshit > Why)
- Added keyboard navigation to main menu
- Unstable Rate is now compensated for Speed (no more dividing by 1.5 for DT etc.)
- Made skin.ini parser and .osu file parser more robust against random whitespace characters
- Skins with "Combo1 : 1,2,3" or " Combo1: 1,2,3" all work now
- Fixed invalid followpoint scaling
- Fixed "Fading Cursor" mod keeping cursor invisible while in pause menu & waiting to continue
- Fixed HR causing mirrored/flipped stacks
Windows Alpha 22
- Added support for tablet sensitivity (should behave exactly like in osu)
- Added "Map absolute raw input to the osu! window" (Options > Input > Mouse)
- Added new experimental mod "Fading Cursor"
- Renamed "Draw NPS, ND" to "Draw Statistics"
- Added BPM counter to statistics overlay (Options > Gameplay > HUD)
- Added Unstable Rate counter to statistics overlay (Options > Gameplay > HUD)
- Added AR/CS/OD counters to statistics overlay (Options > Gameplay > HUD)
- Added "Statistics Scale" option(Options > Gameplay > HUD)
- Added osu_mod_hd_slider_fade_percent command until I figure out how osu determines the fadeout time of sliders with HD (0.5 = 50%)
- Fixed crash on due to infinite floating point values
- Fixed CS Override result label ignoring HR/EZ
- Fixed very low Speed Override values not applying
- Fixed DT getting enabled if Hidden and Target Practice are enabled
- Potentially fixed cursor teleporting to bottom right or top left on tablet taps
- Fixed repeat sliders sometimes showing the hitresult on the wrong end
All builds now include a debug exe which opens an external console window.
Windows Alpha 21
- Added "Disable Mouse Wheel in Play Mode" option (Options > Input > Mouse)
- Added "SliderBody Color Saturation" option (1 = osu, 0 = black, 0.5 = mix) (Options > Skin > Skin)
- Added "Number Scale" option (Options > Skin > Skin)
- Added "HitResult Scale" option (Options > Skin > Skin)
- Added "HitErrorBar Scale" option (Options > Skin > Skin)
- Added "Combo Scale" option (Options > Skin > Skin)
- Added "Accuracy Scale" option (Options > Skin > Skin)
- Added "ProgressBar Scale" option (Options > Skin > Skin)
- Added support for sliderstartcircleoverlay and sliderendcircleoverlay
- Added osu_hitresult_duration command until I figure out how osu determines the fadeout duration
- Changed the default value of "Disable Mouse Buttons in Play Mode" to false
- First Person mod now hides the playfield border
- Hiterrorbar now scales with the global HUD scale
- Fixed very old beatmaps not working with the "No Timingpoints" error
- Fixed very old beatmaps not using AR = OD
- Potentially fixed raw input not working on Windows XP
- Fixed SliderBreak Epilepsy continuing forever if exit beatmap while active
- Fixed slider crash in
- Fixed skin selection context menu being limited by the options menu height
- Fixed SliderTicks being scaled incorrectly
- Fixed sliderstartcircle and sliderendcircle being scaled incorrectly
- Fixed Spinners being scaled incorrectly (e.g. HappyStick skin)
Windows Alpha 20.2