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Type-safe modelling DSL, symbolic transformation, and code generation for solving optimization problems.


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Haskell-embeded Algebraic Modeling Language: solving mathematical optimization with type-safety, symbolic transformation and C-code generation.

Further reading: Type-safe Modeling for Optimization


  • A type-safe, correct-by-construction APIs to model optimization problems using type-level programming.

    • For example, adding 2 expressions with mismatched shape or element type (R or C) will result in type error will result in type error:
    λ> let x = variable1D @10 "x"
    λ> let y = variable1D @9 "y"
    λ> :t x
    x :: TypedExpr '[10] 'R
    λ> :t y
    y :: TypedExpr '[9] 'R
    λ> x + y
    <interactive>:5:5: error:
         Couldn't match type 9 with 10
          Expected type: TypedExpr '[10] 'R
            Actual type: TypedExpr '[9] 'R
         In the second argument of (+), namely y
          In the expression: x + y
          In an equation for it’: it = x + y
    λ> let x = variable1D @10 "x"
    λ> let x = variable2D @10 @10 "x"
    λ> let y = variable2D @10 @10 "y"
    λ> let c = x +: y
    λ> :t c
    c :: TypedExpr '[10, 10] 'C
    λ> let z = variable2D @10 @10 "z"
    λ> :t z
    z :: TypedExpr '[10, 10] 'R
    λ> z + c
    <interactive>:13:5: error:
         Couldn't match type 'C with 'R
          Expected type: TypedExpr '[10, 10] 'R
            Actual type: TypedExpr '[10, 10] 'C
          Type synonyms expanded:
          Expected type: TypedExpr '[10, 10] 'R
            Actual type: TypedExpr '[10, 10] 'C
         In the second argument of (+), namely c
          In the expression: z + c
          In an equation for it’: it = z + c
  • Automatically simplify expressions and compute derivatives, identify common subexpressions.

    • We represent expressions symbolically. Expressions are hashed and indexed in a common lookup table, thus allows for identifying common subexpressions.
    • Derivatives are computed by reverse accumulation method.
  • Generate code which can be compiled with optimization solvers (such as LBFGS, LBFGS-B, Ipopt, see solvers).

Supported operations:

  • basic algebraic operations: addition, multiplication, etc.
  • complex related: real, imag, conjugate, etc.
  • trigonometry, log, exponential, power.
  • rotation, projection (think of Python's slice notation, but with type-safety), and injection (reverse of projection)
  • piecewise function
  • Fourier Transform, inverse Fourier Transform
  • dot product (inner product), matrix multiplication


For those examples taken from Coursera's Machine Learning, data and plotting scripts are based on

Linear regression

Taken from exercise 1 - Machine Learning - Coursera.

Model is in app/Examples/LinearRegression.hs, data & plotting script is in examples/LinearRegression

ex1_linearRegression :: OptimizationProblem
ex1_linearRegression =
  let x = param1D @97 "x"
      y = param1D @97 "y"
      theta0 = variable "theta0"
      theta1 = variable "theta1"
      objective = norm2square ((theta0 *. 1) + (theta1 *. x) - y)
   in OptimizationProblem
        { objective = objective,
          constraints = [],
          values =
            [ x :-> VFile (TXT "x.txt"),
              y :-> VFile (TXT "y.txt")

((*.) is scaling )

Logistic regression

Taken from exercise 2 - Machine Learning - Coursera.

Model is in app/Examples/LogisticRegression.hs, data & plotting script is in examples/LogisticRegression

sigmoid :: (ToShape d) => TypedExpr d R -> TypedExpr d R
sigmoid x = 1.0 / (1.0 + exp (- x))

ex2_logisticRegression :: OptimizationProblem
ex2_logisticRegression =
  let -- variables
      theta = variable1D @28 "theta"
      -- parameters
      x = param2D @118 @28 "x"
      y = param1D @118 "y"
      hypothesis = sigmoid (x ** theta)
      -- regularization
      lambda = 1
      regTheta = project (range @1 @27) theta
      regularization = (lambda / 2) * (regTheta <.> regTheta)
   in OptimizationProblem
        { objective = sumElements ((- y) * log hypothesis - (1 - y) * log (1 - hypothesis)) + regularization,
          constraints = [],
          values =
            [ x :-> VFile (TXT "x_expanded.txt"),
              y :-> VFile (TXT "y.txt")

( (**) is matrix multiplication, (<.>) is dot product, project (range @1 @27, at @0) theta is the typed version of theta[1:27,0] )

MRI Reconstruction

Model is in app/Examples/Brain.hs, data is in examples/Brain

brainReconstructFromMRI :: OptimizationProblem
brainReconstructFromMRI =
  let -- variables
      x = variable2D @128 @128 "x"
      --- bound
      xLowerBound = bound2D @128 @128 "x_lb"
      xUpperBound = bound2D @128 @128 "x_ub"
      -- parameters
      im = param2D @128 @128 "im"
      re = param2D @128 @128 "re"
      mask = param2D @128 @128 "mask"
      -- regularization
      regularization = norm2square (rotate (0, 1) x - x) + norm2square (rotate (1, 0) x - x)
      lambda = 3000
   in OptimizationProblem
        { objective =
            norm2square ((mask +: 0) * (ft (x +: 0) - (re +: im)))
              + lambda * regularization,
          constraints =
            [ x .<= xUpperBound,
              x .>= xLowerBound
          values =
            [ im :-> VFile (HDF5 "kspace.h5" "im"),
              re :-> VFile (HDF5 "kspace.h5" "re"),
              mask :-> VFile (HDF5 "mask.h5" "mask"),
              xLowerBound :-> VFile (HDF5 "bound.h5" "lb"),
              xUpperBound :-> VFile (HDF5 "bound.h5" "ub")

Neural network

Taken from exercise 4 - Machine Learning - Coursera.

Model is in app/Examples/NeuralNetwork.hs, data & plotting script is in examples/NeuralNetwork

sigmoid :: (ToShape d) => TypedExpr d R -> TypedExpr d R
sigmoid x = 1.0 / (1.0 + exp (- x))

prependColumn ::
  forall m n.
  (Injectable 0 (m - 1) m m, Injectable 1 n n (n + 1)) =>
  Double ->
  TypedExpr '[m, n] R ->
  TypedExpr '[m, n + 1] R
prependColumn v exp = inject (range @0 @(m - 1), range @1 @n) exp (constant2D @m @(n + 1) v)

ex4_neuralNetwork :: OptimizationProblem
ex4_neuralNetwork =
  let x = param2D @5000 @400 "x"
      y = param2D @5000 @10 "y"
      -- variables
      theta1 = variable2D @401 @25 "theta1"
      theta2 = variable2D @26 @10 "theta2"
      -- neural net
      a1 = prependColumn 1 x
      z2 = sigmoid (a1 ** theta1)
      a2 = prependColumn 1 z2
      hypothesis = sigmoid (a2 ** theta2)
      -- regularization
      lambda = 1
      regTheta1 = project (range @1 @400, range @0 @24) theta1 -- no first row
      regTheta2 = project (range @1 @25, range @0 @9) theta2 -- no first row
      regularization = (lambda / 2) * (norm2square regTheta1 + norm2square regTheta2)
   in OptimizationProblem
        { objective = sumElements ((- y) * log hypothesis - (1 - y) * log (1 - hypothesis)) + regularization,
          constraints = [],
          values =
            [ x :-> VFile (HDF5 "data.h5" "x"),
              y :-> VFile (HDF5 "data.h5" "y")

(The second image visualizes the (trained) hidden layer. Training set accuracy 99.64%)


Please read PRs are welcome.


The project is developed and maintained by Dr. Christopher Anand's research group, Computing and Software department, McMaster University.

List of contributors: