This module Open-source module allow the administrator to attach Invoice, Shipment, Credit Memo and Custom PDF Files to sales email notification. It has been design to be as simple, expendable and as unobtrusive as possible.
It doesn't contain any bloatware just the bare minimum.
The module has been tested with Magento 2.4.5, it should work with any 2.4.* magento installation.
To install the Magento 2 GTM Cookie consent, simply run the command below:
composer require maisondunet/module-email-attachment
To enable the module:
bin/magento module:enable Maisondunet_EmailAttachment
Module configuration is located at :
Stores > Configuration > Sales > Sales Emails
Field | Description |
Attach PDF Invoice | Attach a PDF invoice to invoice notification e-mails |
Field | Description |
Attach PDF Invoice | Attach a PDF Shipment to shipment notification e-mails |
Field | Description |
Attach PDF Credit Memo | Attach a PDF Credit Memo to credit_memo notification e-mails |
This functionality allow the administrator to attach custom Files to sales-emails.
Name | Templates | File |
Attachment Name | The file will be attached to selected template email | The file attached |
Create a class to handle you custom attachment
class CreditMemo implements AttachmentResolverInterface
// --------
* @param Template $template
* @return MimePartInterface[]
public function getAttachments(Template $template): array{
// Build your custom attachment there
And register to service inside a di.xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<config xmlns:xsi=""
<type name="Maisondunet\EmailAttachment\Model\AttachmentResolverPool">
<argument name="attachmentResolvers" xsi:type="array">
<item name="credit_memo" xsi:type="object">Maisondunet\EmailAttachment\Model\AttachmentResolver\SystemConfiguration</item>