Copyright Β© 2016-2023 Medical Image Analysis Laboratory, University Hospital Center and University of Lausanne (UNIL-CHUV), Switzerland
This software is distributed under the open-source BSD 3-Clause License. See LICENSE file for details.
The Medical Image Analysis Laboratory Super-Resolution ToolKit (MIALSRTK) provides a set of C++ and Python tools necessary to perform motion-robust super-resolution fetal MRI reconstruction.
The original C++ MIALSRTK library includes all algorithms and methods for brain extraction, intensity standardization, motion estimation and super-resolution. It uses the CMake build system and depends on the open-source image processing Insight ToolKit (ITK) library, the command line parser TCLAP library and OpenMP for multi-threading.
MIALSRTK has been recently extended with the pymialsrtk
Python3 library following recent advances in standardization of neuroimaging data organization and processing workflows such as the Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS) and BIDS App standards. This library has a modular architecture built on top of the Nipype dataflow library which consists of (1) processing nodes that interface with each of the MIALSRTK C++ tools and (2) a processing pipeline that links the interfaces in a common workflow.
The processing pipeline with all dependencies including the C++ MIALSRTK tools are encapsulated in a Docker image container, which handles datasets organized following the BIDS standard and is distributed as a BIDS App
@ Docker Hub. For execution on high-performance computing cluster, a Singularity image is also made freely available @ Sylabs Cloud. To facilitate the use of Docker or Singularity, pymialsrtk
provides two Python commandline wrappers (mialsuperresolutiontoolkit_docker
and mialsuperresolutiontoolkit_singularity
) that can generate and run the appropriate command.
All these design considerations allow us not only to (1) represent the entire processing pipeline as an execution graph, where each MIALSRTK C++ tools are connected, but also to (2) provide a mecanism to record data provenance and execution details, and to (3) easily customize the BIDS App to suit specific needs as interfaces with new tools can be added with relatively little effort to account for additional algorithms.
BIDS App and
documentation: -
Bug reports:
For C++ developers/contributors:
Install Docker or Singularity engine
In a Python 3.7 environment, install
:pip install pymialsrtk
You are ready to use MIALSRTK BIDS App wrappers!
and mialsuperresolutiontoolkit_singularity
python wrappers to the MIALSRTK BIDS App have the following command line arguments:
$ mialsuperresolutiontoolkit_[docker|singularity] -h
usage: mialsuperresolutiontoolkit_[docker|singularity] [-h]
[--run_type {sr,preprocessing}]
[--param_file PARAM_FILE]
[--openmp_nb_of_cores OPENMP_NB_OF_CORES]
[--nipype_nb_of_cores NIPYPE_NB_OF_CORES]
[--memory MEMORY]
[--masks_derivatives_dir MASKS_DERIVATIVES_DIR]
[--labels_derivatives_dir LABELS_DERIVATIVES_DIR]
[--all_outputs] [-v] [--verbose]
bids_dir output_dir {participant}
Argument parser of the MIALSRTK BIDS App Python wrapper
positional arguments:
bids_dir The directory with the input dataset formatted
according to the BIDS standard.
output_dir The directory where the output files should be stored.
If you are running group level analysis this folder
should be prepopulated with the results of the
participant level analysis.
{participant} Level of the analysis that will be performed. Only
participant is available
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--run_type {sr,preprocessing}
Type of pipeline that is run. Can choose between
running the super-resolution pipeline (`sr`) or only
preprocessing (`preprocessing`).
The label(s) of the participant(s) that should be
analyzed. The label corresponds to
sub-<participant_label> from the BIDS spec (so it does
not include "sub-"). If this parameter is not provided
all subjects should be analyzed. Multiple participants
can be specified with a space separated list.
--param_file PARAM_FILE
Path to a JSON file containing subjects' exams
information and super-resolution total variation
--openmp_nb_of_cores OPENMP_NB_OF_CORES
Specify number of cores used by OpenMP threads
Especially useful for NLM denoising and slice-to-
volume registration. (Default: 0, meaning it will be
determined automatically)
--nipype_nb_of_cores NIPYPE_NB_OF_CORES
Specify number of cores used by the Niype workflow
library to distribute the execution of independent
processing workflow nodes (i.e. interfaces)
(Especially useful in the case of slice-by-slice bias
field correction and intensity standardization steps
for example). (Default: 0, meaning it will be
determined automatically)
--memory MEMORY Limit the workflow to using the amount of specified
memory [in gb] (Default: 0, the workflow memory
consumption is not limited)
--masks_derivatives_dir MASKS_DERIVATIVES_DIR
Use manual brain masks found in
``<output_dir>/<masks_derivatives_dir>/`` directory
--labels_derivatives_dir LABELS_DERIVATIVES_DIR
Use low-resolution labelmaps found in
``<output_dir>/<labels_derivatives_dir>/`` directory.
--all_outputs Whether or not all outputs should be kept(e.g.
preprocessed LR images)
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
--verbose Verbose mode
Track carbon footprint with `codecarbon
<>`_ and save results in a CSV
file called ``emissions.csv`` in the
``<bids_dir>/code`` directory.
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!