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Added handling of value modeled as record
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Giulio Cesare Solaroli committed May 16, 2020
1 parent eb521b3 commit c93d55c
Showing 1 changed file with 25 additions and 9 deletions.
34 changes: 25 additions & 9 deletions src/purescript/Components/SimpleCalculator.purs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,27 +37,27 @@ type Input = Unit
data Output = NoOutput -- aka Message

data Operator = Addition | Subtraction | Multiplication | Division
type InputValue = { integer :: List Digit, decimal :: List Digit }
type InputValue = Tuple (List Digit) (List Digit)
type InputValue' = { integer :: List Digit, decimal :: List Digit }

type State = {
memory :: Maybe Number,
operator :: Maybe Operator,
isInsertingDecimalValues :: Boolean,
-- input :: Maybe Number
input :: Tuple (List Digit) (List Digit),
input' :: InputValue
input :: InputValue,
input' :: InputValue'
type Slots = ()

initialState :: Input -> State
initialState _ = {
memory: Nothing,
operator: Nothing,
-- input: Nothing,
input: Tuple Nil Nil,
input': { integer: Nil, decimal: Nil },
isInsertingDecimalValues: false
initialState' :: State
initialState' = initialState unit

component :: forall m. MonadAff m => Halogen.Component Surface Query Input Output m
Expand All @@ -78,14 +78,22 @@ showDigits :: (List Digit) -> String
showDigits Nil = ""
showDigits (x:xs) = show (valueOf x) <> showDigits xs

showInput :: (Tuple (List Digit) (List Digit)) -> Boolean -> String
showInput :: InputValue -> Boolean -> String
showInput (Tuple Nil Nil) false = "0"
showInput (Tuple Nil Nil) true = "0."
showInput (Tuple xs Nil) false = showDigits xs
showInput (Tuple xs Nil) true = showDigits xs <> "."
showInput (Tuple Nil ys) _ = "0." <> showDigits ys
showInput (Tuple xs ys) _ = showDigits xs <> "." <> showDigits ys

showInput' :: InputValue' -> Boolean -> String
showInput' {integer: Nil, decimal: Nil} false = "0"
showInput' {integer: Nil, decimal: Nil} true = "0."
showInput' {integer: xs, decimal: Nil} false = showDigits xs
showInput' {integer: xs, decimal: Nil} true = showDigits xs <> "."
showInput' {integer: Nil, decimal: ys} _ = "0." <> showDigits ys
showInput' {integer: xs, decimal: ys} _ = showDigits xs <> "." <> showDigits ys

valueOf :: Digit -> Int -- verify if 'coercible' is applicable
valueOf D0 = 0
valueOf D1 = 1
Expand All @@ -98,13 +106,18 @@ valueOf D7 = 7
valueOf D8 = 8
valueOf D9 = 9

updateInput :: (Tuple (List Digit) (List Digit)) -> Boolean -> Digit -> (Tuple (List Digit) (List Digit))
updateInput :: InputValue -> Boolean -> Digit -> InputValue
updateInput (Tuple xs ys) false d = Tuple (snoc xs d) ys
updateInput (Tuple xs ys) true d = Tuple xs (snoc ys d)

updateInput' :: InputValue' -> Boolean -> Digit -> InputValue'
updateInput' {integer: xs, decimal: ys} false d = {integer: snoc xs d, decimal: ys}
updateInput' {integer: xs, decimal: ys} true d = {integer: xs, decimal: snoc ys d}

render :: forall m. {-MonadAff m =>-} State -> Halogen.ComponentHTML Action Slots m
render (state) = HTML.div [] [
HTML.div [HTML.Properties.class_ (Halogen.ClassName "display")] [HTML.text (showInput state.input state.isInsertingDecimalValues)],
HTML.div [HTML.Properties.class_ (Halogen.ClassName "display")] [HTML.text (showInput state.input state.isInsertingDecimalValues)],
HTML.div [HTML.Properties.class_ (Halogen.ClassName "display")] [HTML.text (showInput' state.input' state.isInsertingDecimalValues)],
HTML.table [] [
HTML.tbody [] [ [] [
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -144,7 +157,10 @@ handleAction = case _ of
NoAction ->
pure unit
ClickDigit d -> do
Halogen.modify_ (\state -> state { input = updateInput state.input state.isInsertingDecimalValues d })
Halogen.modify_ (\state -> state {
input = updateInput state.input state.isInsertingDecimalValues d,
input' = updateInput' state.input' state.isInsertingDecimalValues d
ClickDot -> do
Halogen.modify_ (\state -> state { isInsertingDecimalValues = true })
Cancel -> do
Expand Down

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