This README was derived from our post on Medium.
Recently, we released SIOSocket, an open source Objective-C client for 1.0. Our last post was all about the motivation for and implementation of SIOSocket, but in this post, we’re building a thing!
The implementation of the backend server of this app is rather simple. First, let’s start by building our Node’s package.json file.
"name": "WorldPinServer",
"version": "0.0.0",
"description": "Server to distributed phone locations to other phones",
"main": "app.js",
"author": "myself",
"dependencies": {
Once this file is created, run npm install
and you’ll see your dependency tree builder in action ( will branch to all of its own underlying dependencies, making it easy for us). Next, we’ll fire up our app.js file, which will contain the logic for handling requests. Step one: import the module.
var io = require('')(3000);
Which brings us to the real meat of our web application. Let’s first write out connection event listener, which will be executed when a client connection occurs.
io.on('connection', function (socket) {
Inside the this function, we’ll add in three major components. First, as soon as a client connects, we’ll emit a join event broadcast, which will include the client’s id
io.on('connection', function (socket) {
socket.broadcast.emit('join', socket['id']);
console.log(socket['id'] + ' has connected!');
For reference, there are a few different types of communication patterns sockets can use. Pure emit
s will distribute an event message to every client, including itself. Alternatively, broadcast.emit
s will distribute an event to every client excluding itself. And for debugging’s sake, we’ve thrown in a console printout when a user connects, as well.
Finally, add two event listeners to handle the various events our clients will be firing off to the server.
socket.on('location', function (data) {
socket.broadcast.emit('update', (socket['id'] + ':' + data));
socket.on('disconnect', function () {
socket.broadcast.emit('disappear', socket['id']);
console.log(socket['id'] + ' has disconnected!');
We’ll listen for location events and establish our own custom disconnect event (which occurs after’s standard disconnect event, as a sort of middleware). When we receive the location event, we’ll broadcast an update event, with the string "id:data"
, in response. And for the disconnect, we will broadcast a disappear event, with the id
as content. Clients who receive this disappear event will then remove pins labeled with the id
from the map. For debugging, again, we’ll include a console printout of the socket which has disconnected.
That’s it! With these ~15 lines of code, you’ll be handling real-time communication! To launch, simply trigger node app.js
in the command line. (Bonus: you can use DEBUG=socket-io* node app.js
to activate Node’s verbose debugging tools.)
Having built our incredibly simple sync app, it’s time to get started on the client side. Start a new iOS Single View Application in Xcode, and drop by the Capabilities tab for the project. Add the Maps capability to include MapKit.framework
and the necessary entitlements.
As you might expect, the next step is to create the MKMapView
in your Storyboard, and hook it up via the necessary IBOutlet
s. (If this isn’t a familiar process, definitely check out RW’s Map Kit tutorial.) Once you’ve got a working map view hooked up to your View Controller (and vice versa, as its delegate), we’re ready to start responding to map view’s events. To zoom to the user’s location, use this method:
- (void)mapView:(MKMapView *)mapView didUpdateUserLocation:(MKUserLocation *)userLocation
// Zoom to user location
MKMapCamera *camera = [ copy];
camera.altitude = 1; // Zoom in
camera.centerCoordinate = userLocation.coordinate; = camera;
And to add a new pin whenever an annotation is added, use this method:
- (MKAnnotationView *)mapView:(MKMapView *)mapView viewForAnnotation:(id<MKAnnotation>)annotation
if ([annotation isKindOfClass: [MKUserLocation class]])
return nil;
MKPinAnnotationView *pinAnnotationView = (MKPinAnnotationView *)[mapView dequeueReusableAnnotationViewWithIdentifier: @"pinAnnotation"];
[pinAnnotationView setAnnotation: annotation];
if (!pinAnnotationView)
pinAnnotationView = [[MKPinAnnotationView alloc] initWithAnnotation: annotation
reuseIdentifier: @"pinAnnotation"];
pinAnnotationView.pinColor = MKPinAnnotationColorPurple;
return pinAnnotationView;
Now the map can accurately display all WorldPin users!
Except, there aren’t any. So we have to get each running instance of WorldPin talking, and to do that, we establish a socketed connection to our Node.js server. To create an intialize an SIOSocket
object, we need to call +[SIOSocket socketWithHost:response:]
, which creates a new client in a JavaScriptCore context and connects it to the given host.
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
[SIOSocket socketWithHost: @"http://yourHost:3000" response: ^(SIOSocket *socket)
self.socket = socket;
- (void)mapView:(MKMapView *)mapView didUpdateUserLocation:(MKUserLocation *)userLocation
// Zoom to user location
MKMapCamera *camera = [ copy];
camera.altitude = 1; // Zoom in
camera.centerCoordinate = userLocation.coordinate; = camera;
// Broadcast new location
if (self.socketIsConnected)
[self.socket emit: @"location" args: @[
[NSString stringWithFormat: @"%f,%f", userLocation.coordinate.latitude, userLocation.coordinate.longitude]
We’ve also updated our mapView:didUpdateUserLocation:
to emit a location event whenever our user’s location is updated. The format for this is incredibly simple: the Node server simply receives and broadcasts the "lat,long"
Finally, we need to tell our SIOSocket
to listen for events from the server. The easiest and most obvious events to listen for are connect, join, and disappear.
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
[SIOSocket socketWithHost: @"http://yourHost:3000" response: ^(SIOSocket *socket)
self.socket = socket;
__weak typeof(self) weakSelf = self;
self.socket.onConnect = ^()
weakSelf.socketIsConnected = YES;
[weakSelf mapView: weakSelf.mapView didUpdateUserLocation: weakSelf.mapView.userLocation];
[self.socket on: @"join" callback: ^(SIOParameterArray *args)
[weakSelf mapView: weakSelf.mapView didUpdateUserLocation: weakSelf.mapView.userLocation];
[self.socket on: @"disappear" callback: ^(SIOParameterArray *args)
NSString *pinID = [args firstObject];
[self.mapView removeAnnotation: self.pins[pinID]];
[self.pins removeObjectForKey: pinID];
When connect and join events are triggered, we call our own mapView:didUpdateUserLocation:
method, which fires a location emission, and alerts all other users to our location. When we receive that information, on an update event, we should create or update our list of pins.
[self.socket on: @"update" callback: ^(SIOParameterArray *args)
// pinData == @"pinID:lat,long"
// self.pins == @{@"pinID": <WPAnnotation @ (lat, long)>}
NSString *pinData = [args firstObject];
NSArray *dataPieces = [pinData componentsSeparatedByString: @":"];
NSString *pinID = [dataPieces firstObject];
NSString *pinLocationString = [dataPieces lastObject];
WPAnnotation *pin = [[WPAnnotation alloc] initWithCoordinateString: pinLocationString];
if ([[self.pins allKeys] containsObject: pinID])
CLLocationCoordinate2D newCoordinate = pin.coordinate;
pin = self.pins[pinID];
pin.coordinate = newCoordinate;
[self.mapView removeAnnotation: pin];
self.pins[pinID] = pin;
[self.mapView addAnnotation: pin];
We store pin data as WPAnnotation
objects, which are simple objects that implement the MKAnnotation
protocol, and are included in the project’s source. Once our socket can respond to update events, we’re ready to see the location of every WorldPin user!
And, of course, the real benefit of pairing and MapKit is real-time updates.
And there you have it. The source code for this tutorial is available on our GitHub, and if you have any problems, email and we’ll try and help!