Your Automated Personal Assistant, on WhatsApp!
NewtonBot is an optimized and easy-to-use WhatsApp UserBot written in Node.js.
Utilize your personal chat assistant/group manager to make the most out of WhatsApp.
Clone the repository on your pc
Open the cmd Terminal in that folder.
Use the following Commands and Press Enter:
1. npm install yarn (only if yarn is not installed)
2. yarn install
3. yarn start
Now , Scan QR code from WhatsApp Mobile. You can now easily use the bot commands in your whatsapp mobile. For example type .weather CityName to get the bot message about the current weather status of CityName.
Some reference images
This bot currently supports Whatsapp Multi Device. And is a Migration from the legacy Whataspp Web Bot.
To follow this method, you will need to have docker installed on your machine and have some experience using docker.
To host the bot on your own device using docker, follow the following steps on your terminal / command prompt -
git clone
cd NewtonBot
docker build -t botsapp .
docker run -d -–restart=always --name botsapp botsapp
This will create a container running NewtonBot. You'll have to scan the QR at least once.
To use this method, you will need ffmpeg, nodejs, npm installed on your device.
To run the bot on your device manually, you can use the following commands -
git clone
cd NewtonBot
yarn install
yarn start
## scan the QR code
Feel free to post your queries or concerns on any of the discussion forums mentioned below:
Meghdut Mandal Project Lead Developer |
Copyright (C) 2021 - 2022 by NewtonBot
Licensed under the terms by GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
This code is in no way affiliated with, authorized, maintained, sponsored or endorsed by WhatsApp or any of its affiliates or subsidiaries. This is an independent and unofficial software. Use at your own risk.