This is a set of live templates for Quarkus. This live templates help you to create Quarkus classes and methods faster. You see the shortcuts below, I hope this live templates help you.
Open your Intellij Idea configuration folder and go to config/templates
folder. Then download
the quarkus.xml
and copy this file to this folder.
My configuration folder is /home/mehmet/.config/JetBrains/IntelliJIdeaXXXX.X/templates/
This folder change for your OS. More information about this
folder here.
Shortcut | Description | Code |
aps | Generate ApplicationScoped annotation | @ApplicationScoped |
sing | Generate Singleton annotation | @Singleton |
dep | Generate Dependency annotation | @Dependent |
resco | Generate RequestScoped annotation | @RequestScoped |
prov | Generate Provider annotation | @Provider |
wsession | Generate WithSession annotation | @WithSession |
regref | Create RegisterForReflection annotation for class | @RegisterForReflection |
qpar | Generate QueryParam annotation | @QueryParam("PARAMETER_NAME") PARAMETER_TYPE parameterName |
patp | Generate PathParam annotation for path variable | @PathParam("PARAMETER_NAME") PARAMETER_TYPE parameterName |
inj | Generate Inject annotation | @Inject |
confp | Generate ConfigProperty annotation | @ConfigProperty(name = "NAME", defaultValue="!") CONF_TYPE CONF_NAME; |
loifp | Generate LookupIfProperty annotation | @LookupIfProperty(name = "NAME", stringValue = "true") |
postc | Generate PostConstruct annotation | @PostConstruct public void init() { } |
pred | Generate PreDestroy annotation | @PreDestroy public void destroy() { } |
logger | Create Quarkus Logger object | private final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(ExampleResource.class); |
rwgetm | Create reactive web get method for reactive web | @GET @Path("PATH") public Uni<Response> getNAME() {} |
rwpostm | Create reactive web post method for reactive web | @POST @Path("/save/PATH") public Uni<Response> saveMETHOD_NAME(ENTITY entity) { } |
rwputm | Create reactive web put method for reactive web | @PUT @Path("/update/{id}") public Uni<Response> updateNAME(@PathParam("id")ID_TYP id, ENTITY entity) { } |
rwdelm | Create reactive web delete method for reactive web | @DELETE @Path("/delete/{id}") public Uni<Response> deleteNAME(@PathParam("id")ID_TYPE id) { } |
csjson | Create consume json method for reactive web | @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) |
prdjson | Create produce json method for reactive web | @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) |
regresc | Create RegisterRestClient annotation for interface | @RegisterRestClient(baseUri = "") |
res | Create RestClient for code | @RestClient SampleService sampleService; |
cliqpar | Create ClientQueryParams annotation for interface | @ClientQueryParam(name = "", value = "") |
ronvt | Create RunOnVirtualThread annotation for method | @RunOnVirtualThread |
nbloc | Create NonBlocking annotation for method | @NonBlocking |