A web application for booking buses at IIIT Allahabad. This system allows students to easily book seats on college buses, view schedules, and manage their bookings efficiently.
- User Authentication (Sign Up, Login, Logout)
- Book Bus Seats
- View Bus Schedules
- View your Bookings
- Responsive Design
- Sign Up / Login:
- Create an account or log in with your existing credentials.
- Book a Bus Seat:
- Navigate to the booking page and select your preferred bus and seat.
- View Bookings:
- Check your current bookings under the "My Bookings" section.
- Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Backend: Flask (Python)
- Database: MySQL
- Version Control: Git
- Sahul Kumar
- Priyanshi Khataniya
- Yagesh Mishra - @Yagesh001
- Uttkarsh Malviya - @Menma420
- Nishant Narjinary - heyyybooo