Welcome to Dopio
<!-- Create an empty paragraph on html -->
// Change text on paragrag
dopio("p").text("Hello World!")
<!-- Create an empty paragraph on html -->
// Change text on paragrag
dopio("p").text("Hello World!")
Dopio supports searching for elements not only by their tag, but also by class and id
// 🍁 Below are all Dopio features and their description.
html: Adding html code to an element
css: Adding css code to an element
text: Changing the text of an element
on: Simplified analogue of addEventListener from vanilla JavaScript
attribute: Attribute management for elements. If it takes a name, then reads the attribute, if it also takes a value, then overwrites the attribute
click: If it does not accept functions, then it makes an artificial click on the object, otherwise it listens for clicks on the object
addClass: Assigns a class to an element
each: Iterates over the elements of the collection
is: Used as a test for every element in the set. It accepts two arguments
// ❤️ An example of creating a plugin for dopio (As an example, hiding an element from the page)
dopioClass.prototype.hidden = function hidden() {
for (const el of this.container) {
el.style.display = "none";
// Testing plugin