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#1036 First attempt at adding unit test for one use case. Got it to w…
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andreleblanc11 authored and petersilva committed May 18, 2024
1 parent 30f2ba6 commit 3b71c58
Showing 1 changed file with 178 additions and 0 deletions.
178 changes: 178 additions & 0 deletions tests/sarracenia/flowcb/gather/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
import pytest
import os, types, copy

#useful for debugging tests
import pprint
def pretty(*things, **named_things):
for t in things:
pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2, width=200).pprint(t)
for k,v in named_things.items():
print(str(k) + ":")
pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2, width=200).pprint(v)

from import Am
import sarracenia.config

from sarracenia import Message as SR3Message
from sarracenia.flowcb.rename.raw2bulletin import Raw2bulletin

class Options:
def __init__(self):
# self.o = sarracenia.config.default_config()
self.logLevel = "DEBUG"
self.logFormat = ""
self.queueName = "TEST_QUEUE_NAME"
self.component = "flow"
self.config = "foobar_am.conf"
self.sendTo = "am://"
self.pid_filename = "/tmp/sarracenia/am_test/pid_filename" = "/tmp/test/directory"
self.housekeeping = float(39)
self.fileAgeMin = 0
self.fileAgeMax = 0
self.post_baseUrl = "http://localhost/"
self.post_format = "v02"

def add_option(self, option, type, default = None):
if not hasattr(self, option):
setattr(self, option, default)

def make_message():
m = SR3Message()
m["pubTime"] = "20180118151049.356378078"
m["topic"] = ""
m["mtime"] = "20180118151048"
m["identity"] = {
"method": "md5",
"value": "c35f14e247931c3185d5dc69c5cd543e"
m["atime"] = "201801181.51049.356378078"
m["content"] = {"encoding":"" , "value": ""}
m["from_cluster"] = "localhost"
m["mode"] = "644"
m["source"] = "tsource"
m["sum"] = "d,c35f14e247931c3185d5dc69c5cd543e"
m["to_clusters"] = "localhost"
m["baseUrl"] = "https://NotARealURL"
m["post_baseUrl"] = "https://NotARealURL"
m["relPath"] = "ThisIsAPath/To/A/File.txt"
m["_deleteOnPost"] = set()
return m

# NOTE: Need to test filtering as well?
# WorkList = types.SimpleNamespace()
# WorkList.ok = []
# WorkList.incoming = []
# WorkList.rejected = []
# WorkList.failed = []
# WorkList.directories_ok = []

# def test___init__():
# BaseOptions = Options()
# am_instance = Am(BaseOptions)
# renamer = Raw2bulletin(BaseOptions)

def _get_bulletin_info(message):
charset = message['content']['encoding']
bulletin = message['content']['value']
lines = bulletin.splitlines()
if message['content']['encoding'] != 'base64':
firstchars = bulletin[0:2].decode(charset)
station = lines[1].split()[0].decode(charset)
firstchars = "XX"
station = "XXX"
missing_ahl = 'CN00 CWAO'
return bulletin, firstchars, lines, missing_ahl, station, charset

# For unit testing, we mostly want to check how the bulletins get corrected.
# We have lots of use cases where bulletin get corrected so it's important to test all of these cases

# Test 1: Check a regular binary bulletin
# @pytest.mark.depends(on=['test___init__'])
def test_am_binary_bulletin():
from base64 import b64encode

BaseOptions = Options()
renamer = Raw2bulletin(BaseOptions)

message_test1 = make_message()
message_test1['content']['encoding'] = 'base64'
message_test1['content']['value'] = b'ISAA41 CYWA 030000\nBUFR\x00\x00\xa8\x02\x00\x00\x12\x00\x006\x00\x00\x00\x00\r\r\x18\x05\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00L\x00\x00\x01\x00\x01\xcc\x06\x02\x05\x02\x07\x01\x04\x01\x04\x02\x04\x03\x04\x04\x04\x05\x02\xc4\x01\xc3\x14\xd5\x14\r\x14\xce\x14\xc5\x14\x0b\x14\x01\n\x04\n3\x0c\x01\x0c\x02\x0c\x03\x0c\xc7\x08\x15\x04\x19\x0b\x0b\x0b\x0c\x04\x19\x08\x15\n4\n?\n=\r\x03\x85\x11\x00\x00\x00>\x00YWA (\x1cj6\x08I\xfa\x140\x00\xe0a@F1\x92g/\x9f6\xd0l~\xc1,hO\xfdh\x01_\xff\xfc\xf9D\xff\xc3DENSITY ALT 479FT7777\n'

bulletin, firstchars, lines, missing_ahl, station, charset = _get_bulletin_info(message_test1)

bulletinHeader = lines[0].decode('iso-8859-1').replace(' ', '_')
message_test1['new_file'] = bulletinHeader + '__12345'
message_test1['new_dir'] =
message_test1['content']['value'] = b64encode(message_test1['content']['value']).decode('ascii')

message_test1 = renamer.rename(message_test1, False)
assert message_test1['new_file'] == 'ISAA41_CYWA_030000___00001'

# Test 2: Check a regular CACN bulletin
# def test_cacn_regular(self):
# message_test2 = make_message()
# message_test2['content']['encoding'] = 'iso-8859-1'
# message_test2['content']['value'] = b'CA\nWVO\n100,2024,123,1600,0,100,13.5,5.6,79.4,0.722,11.81,11.74,1.855,6.54,16.76,1544,2.344,14.26,0,375.6,375.6,375.5,375.5,0,11.58,11.24,3.709,13.89,13.16,11.22,11,9.45,11.39,5.033,79.4,0.694,-6999,41.19,5.967,5.887,5.93,6.184,5.64,5.066,5.253,-6999,7.3,0.058,0,5.715,4.569,0,0,1.942,-6999,57.4,0,0.531,-6999,1419,1604,1787,-6999,-6999,-6999,-6999,-6999,1601,-6999,-6999,6,5.921,5.956,6.177,5.643,5.07,5.256,-6999,9.53,11.22,10.09,10.61,125.4,9.1\n'
# bulletin, firstchars, lines, missing_ahl, station, charset = _get_bulletin_info(message_test2)
# response = self.bulletin(bulletin, firstchars, lines, missing_ahl, station, charset)
# # Test 3: Check an erronous CACN bulletin (missing timestamp in bulletin contents)
# message_test3 = make_message()
# message_test3['content']['encoding'] = 'iso-8859-1'
# message_test3['content']['value'] = b'CA\nWPK\n0.379033,325.078,1.13338\n'
# # Test 4: Bulletin with double line separator after header (my-header\n\n)
# message_test4 = make_message()
# message_test4['content']['encoding'] = 'iso-8859-1'
# message_test4['content']['value'] = b'SXCN35 CWVR 021100\n\nFacility: GVRD\nData valid at: 2024/05/02 11:00Z\n\nsome other stuff'
# # Test 5: Bulletin with invalid year in timestamp (Fix:
# message_test5 = make_message()
# message_test5['content']['encoding'] = 'iso-8859-1'
# message_test5['content']['value'] = b'CA\nWVO\n100,1024,123,1600,0,100,13.5,5.6,79.4,0.722,11.81,11.74,1.855,6.54,16.76,1544,2.344,14.26,0,375.6,375.6,375.5,375.5,0,11.58,11.24,3.709,13.89,13.16,11.22,11,9.45,11.39,5.033,79.4,0.694,-6999,41.19,5.967,5.887,5.93,6.184,5.64,5.066,5.253,-6999,7.3,0.058,0,5.715,4.569,0,0,1.942,-6999,57.4,0,0.531,-6999,1419,1604,1787,-6999,-6999,-6999,-6999,-6999,1601,-6999,-6999,6,5.921,5.956,6.177,5.643,5.07,5.256,-6999,9.53,11.22,10.09,10.61,125.4,9.1\n'
# # Test 6: Bulletin with trailing spaces at the end of the header (Fix:
# message_test6 = make_message()
# message_test6['content']['encoding'] = 'iso-8859-1'
# message_test6['content']['value'] = b'SXCN35 CWVR 021100 \n\nFacility: GVRD\nData valid at: 2024/05/02 11:00Z\n\nsome other stuff'
# # Test 7: Bulletin with a wrong station name (Fix:
# message_test7 = make_message()
# message_test7['content']['encoding'] = 'iso-8859-1'
# message_test7['content']['value'] = b'UECN99 CYCX 071200\nTTDD21 /// 5712/ 71701 NIL=\n\n\n\n'
# # Test 8: SM Bulletin - Add station mapping + SM/SI bulletin accomodities
# message_test8 = make_message()
# message_test8['content']['encoding'] = 'iso-8859-1'
# message_test8['content']['value'] = b'SM 030000\n71816 11324 80313 10004 20003 30255 40318 52018 60031 77177 887//\n333 10017 20004 42001 70118 90983 93101=\n'
# # Test 9: Bulletin with 5 fields in header (invalid)
# message_test9 = make_message()
# message_test9['content']['encoding'] = 'iso-8859-1'
# message_test9['content']['value'] = b'SXCN35 CWVR 021100 BBB OOPS\n\nFacility: GVRD\nData valid at: 2024/05/02 11:00Z\n\nsome other stuff'
# # Test 10: Bulletin with 6 fields in header (invalid)
# message_test10 = make_message()
# message_test10['content']['encoding'] = 'iso-8859-1'
# message_test10['content']['value'] = b'SXCN35 CWVR 021100 BBB OOPS OHNO\n\nFacility: GVRD\nData valid at: 2024/05/02 11:00Z\n\nsome other stuff'
# # Test 11: Bulletin with a timestamp (DDHHmm) bigger then 6 chars
# message_test11 = make_message()
# message_test11['content']['encoding'] = 'iso-8859-1'
# message_test11['content']['value'] = b'SXCN35 CWVR 021100Z\n\nFacility: GVRD\nData valid at: 2024/05/02 11:00Z\n\nsome other stuff'

#TODO: Test for: methods , flowcb/gather/am/Am/correctContents method.

# wl_test_after_accept = copy.deepcopy(WorkList)
# wl_test_after_accept.incoming = [message_with_nodupe, message_without_nodupe]

# nodupe.after_accept(wl_test_after_accept)

# assert len(wl_test_after_accept.incoming) == 2
# assert wl_test_after_accept.incoming[0]['nodupe_override']['path'] == 'data'
# assert 'nodupe_override' in wl_test_after_accept.incoming[1]['_deleteOnPost']

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