NLopt bindings for julia. See here for the documentation of nlopt.
Example using a L-BFGS optimizer. The objective function returns a tuple where the first value contains the function evaluation and the second the gradient evaluation.
x = [-1.2,1,-1.2,1]
function obj(x)
fx = 0
g = Array(Float64,length(x))
for i = 1:2:length(x)
f1 = 1-x[i]
f2 = 10* (x[i+1] - x[i]^2)
g[i+1] = 20.0 * f2
g[i] = -2.0 * (x[i] * g[i+1] + f1)
fx += f1^2 + f2^2
return (fx,g)
:ftol_abs, 1e-8,
:maxeval, 2000,
:min_objective, obj), x)