Pull requests / reviews analyzer
usage: Usage: 'pullpo [options] <owner> <repository>
positional arguments:
owner Owner of the repository on GitHub
repository Name of the repository on GitHub
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Database options:
-u DB_USER, --user DB_USER
Database user name
Database user password
-d DB_NAME Name of the database where fetched projects will be
--host DB_HOSTNAME Name of the host where the database server is running
--port DB_PORT Port of the host where the database server is running
GitHub options:
--gh-user GH_USER GiHub user name
--gh-password GH_PASSWORD
GitHub user password
- Python >= 2.7 (3.x series not supported yet)
- MySQL >= 5.5
- SQLAlchemy >= 0.8
- requests>=2.0.0
- github3.py >= 1.0a
Licensed under GNU General Public License (GPL), version 3 or later.