This tests if a URL passed a check, or if it's dead
After you have cloned the respository, you must run this command in order to execute the script while omitting '.py':
pip3 install --editable .
This will install any missing libraries, and allows dynamic editing on the script.
The syntax for the script is the following:
release0_1 [command] [arg]
url: pass a url as an argument to test for. This only tests the argument link, and is not recursive.
example: **release0_1 url**
--l: an option for the url command that allows you to search through a website for dead links given the url
example: **release0_1 url --l**
--s: an option for the url command that allows you to search through a website for http links and sees if they work as https
example: **release0_1 url --s**
file: pass a file as an argument to test links inside. If the file has multiple links, it will test those as well.
example: **release0_1 file test.html**
--s: an option for the file command that allows you to search through a file for http links and sees if they work as https
example: **release0_1 url --s C:\Users\user1\Documents\file.html**
version: returns you the version of this code
example: **release0_1 version**
--help: gives you the lists of commands for help
example: **release0_1 --help**