Formerly: netmanagers/puppet-tcpwrappers
This is a Puppet module for tcpwrappers
It provides only package installation and file configuration (hosts.allow / hosts.deny).
Based on:
TCPWrappers puppet module created by Anchor Systems (, from where the main logic was taken.
Example42 layouts by Alessandro Franceschi / Lab42
Official site:
TCP wrappers are installed by default in almost every Linux system around and you'll rarely use this capabilities, but they are provided by every Example42 module, so they are available here too. I just removed the "harmful" ones, like the possibility to remove the package.
Install tcpwrappers with default settings
class { 'tcpwrappers': }
Managing entries in /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny.
Parameters daemon defaults to ALL and client defaults to $title if not specified.
# Simple client specification tcpwrappers::allow { '': }
tcpwrappers::allow { foo: daemon => "ALL", client => ""; }
are equivalent, and add an entry
into /etc/hosts.allow
# With an exception specification tcpwrappers::allow { foo: daemon => "daemon", client => "ALL", except => "/etc/"; }
Adds an entry
daemon: ALL EXCEPT "/etc/"
tcpwrappers::deny accepts the same parameters
The following parameters are available:
- ensure: Whether the entry should be "present" or "absent".
- daemon: The identifier supplied to libwrap by the daemon, often just the process name.
- client: The client specification to be added.
- except (optional): Another client specification, acting as a filter for the first client specifiction.
The $client and $except parameters must have one of the following forms:
FQDN: Domain suffix: IP address: IP prefix: 192. 192.0. 192.0.2. IP range: Filename: /path/to/file.acl Keyword: ALL LOCAL PARANOID
The client specification will be normalized before being matched against or added to the existing entries in hosts.allow/hosts.deny.
Install a specific version of tcpwrappers package
class { 'tcpwrappers': version => '1.0.1', }
Enable auditing without without making changes on existing tcpwrappers configuration files
class { 'tcpwrappers': audit_only => true }
Module dry-run: Do not make any change on all the resources provided by the module
class { 'tcpwrappers': noops => true }
Use custom sources for main config file
class { 'tcpwrappers': allow_source => [ "puppet:///modules/netmanagers/tcpwrappers/hosts_allow-${hostname}", "puppet:///modules/netmanagers/tcpwrappers/hosts_allow.conf" ], deny_source => [ "puppet:///modules/netmanagers/tcpwrappers/hosts_deny-${hostname}", "puppet:///modules/netmanagers/tcpwrappers/hosts_allow.conf" ], }
Use custom template for main config file. Note that template and source arguments are alternative.
class { 'tcpwrappers': allow_template => 'netmanagers/tcpwrappers/hosts_allow.erb', }
and provide custom values using the "$options" parameter.
Automatically include a custom subclass
class { 'tcpwrappers': my_class => 'netmanagers::my_tcpwrappers', }