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Typescript Boilerplate

This project can be used as base for TypeScript projects. The project is setup using Vite. Under "vite.config.js", you'll find the custom Rollup config containing different outputs. Based on your project, you can remove obsolete outputs.


This project uses a Dev Container to provide the required tools for Web Development. You must have VS Code and the Dev Containers extension installed on your host machine as well as the Docker Engine. On Windows, you can use Docker Desktop, for example. To avoid problems with the mounting of ssh keys, it is recommended, though, to use WSL2 with a Ubuntu distribution and install Docker there.

Here are three video tutorials that will get you started with Docker and Dev Containers:

To prepare the project:

  1. Clone or download the repository.
  2. Open the project folder in VSCode.
  3. CTRL+Shift+P and enter "Dev Containers: Rebuild and Reopen in Container".
  4. Inside the Dev Container run: npm i.



Typia is used for runtime type parsing and validation. Use it at the interface level of the library you create to ensure that incoming types match the static types you define.


Source code is located under "src". Before you make changes, start the development server running npm run dev. You can then navigate to different test pages in the browser.

To see changes taking effect, you have to press r + Enter in the console window that is currently running the development server. It will restart the server and reload the page. Automatic reloading will only work, if your host system is Linux based. If your host system is Windows, file changes might not be properly propagated to the Dev Container and Vite will not recognize those automatically.


Run npm run build to create the ES6 library to be used in other projects as dependency, the CommonJS library to be used in Node.js projects, and the IIFE minimized JavaScript library for inclusion in HTML pages.

The three versions are located in three different folders:

  • lib - This folder will contain the ES6 version to be used as dependency in other ES6+ or TypeScript projects. Using this version will enable Tree-Shaking.
  • lib-cjs - This folder contains a CommonJS build of the library. It can be used in Node.js projects.
  • lib-iife - This folder contains a build targeting browser use via the <script> tag.

All code is minified per default. Console logs are stripped.