Releases: MichaelBuhler/sugarscape
Custom Movement Strategy
Classic Strategy:
- teleport to the nearest, highest sugar, vacant location within sight
Custom Strategy (movement limited to one unit per step):
- if fertile and adjacent to a fertile mate, do not move (stay and mate immediately)
- if fertile and can move towards a fertile mate, make that move
- else, move in the direction of the most sugar (sum of the visible sugar in that direction)
Fix bug with coloring by metabolism.
Fix Extinction Bug
Remove dead agents from locations in memory.
Color by Vision or Metabolism
Add UI elements for coloring agents by low, medium, and high vision.
Add UI elements for coloring agents by low, medium, and high metabolism.
Add text to UI describing current agents colors.
Additional Interface Improvements
Controls to set initial agent endowment (initial sugar holdings).
Controls to set initial agent vision range (same as movement).
Controls to set initial agent metabolism range.
Halt simulation if everyone dies.
Interface Improvements
Set the sugar regrowth rate from UI.
Set the initial number of agents from UI.
Optionally shade by agent sex.
Gettin' Jiggy With It
Add death from old age.
Implement sexual reproduction with trait inheritance.
Color males red and females blue, for now.
Timing Controls
Make simulation pause-able and reset-able.
Display the current step.
Speed up or slow down the simulation.
Let Them Eat Sugar
Add helpers to quickly find locations in sight.
Add steps and render on loop.
Agents move to the nearest, unoccupied location with the most available sugar.
Agents die if they do not have enough sugar to survive.
Let There be Sugar
Refactored everything.
Render sugar on the Sugarscape.
Performance Improvements
Use lightweight shader and share materials across meshes.
Reduced executable size by 78.47%.
Render 400 agents, instead of 100.