Open-source assets pipeline for visual effects, animation and games. Djed connects all workflow of assets in DCCs with sockets, it uses database to save the asset information and provide an assets browser and connect it with all DCCs. Djed provide some facilities to assets workflow like assets validation and assets browser to reuse asset anywhere.
Djed provide to you all sources and the database locally to manage it as well as the full control to customize every thing through global settings.
Djed trying to follow VFX Reference Platform
Djed is written in python 3, and use pyblish concepts in publishing
Go to GitHub releases and download the latest build executable and install it with regular way.
with cx-freeze
To make installer use Inno with configuration file create_djed_executable.iss
Due to following of VFX Reference Platform tests run on Maya 2023
substance Painter 8.1
Clarisse 5 SP8
Ideas and any kind of contributions or feedback are welcome!