This project uses Peripleo to map heritage at risk data from Historic England and avoids the costs of using ESRI. Peripleo is a powerful tool for visualizing and exploring geospatial data, making it ideal for showcasing heritage sites that are at risk.
A methods paper will be forthcoming on this, which will document the processes and decisions made to make this and some background to Historic England's Digital Strategy 2022 - 2025.
This demonstration is served off GitHub pages, with no cost burden.
Note: This project is not endorsed by Historic England, it is an independent demo

The Heritage at Risk Mapping project aims to provide an interactive map that highlights heritage sites identified by Historic England as being at risk. This visualization helps in raising awareness and promoting efforts to preserve these important cultural landmarks.
- Interactive map displaying heritage at risk sites
- Detailed information about each site, including its risk status
- Search and filter functionality to explore specific areas or types of heritage
The data for this project is sourced from Historic England's Heritage at Risk Register. This register includes buildings, monuments, and other heritage assets that are at risk due to neglect, decay, or inappropriate development.
Within the scripts folder, a single R file is available that generates the raw csv and scraped data from Historic England. An ipython notebook using an R kernel walks you through this and provides access to raw csv files, the merged data and finally the data ready to use in openrefine. Also included is a notebook documenting the steps to use openrefine commands to enrich these data.
The final data set from the HE website is then manipulated via the use of Openrefine, and a formatted markdown table of the commands used to manipulate data is available in the notebooks folder which is created from an exported openrefine json file (you can reuse this).
Included in this repository are three tutorial files.
- Building a customised Peripleo: The Peripleo instance used here has had a few enhancements/changes applied to it. I have changed the infocards, type rendering and links from the Linked Places GeoJSON and amended colours. Changes were made in the peripleo folder.
- Using openrefine: How to get enhanced data via the use of Openrefine.
- How this instance of Peripleo was configured.
Guidance on how to configure Peripleo can be found on the British Library's pages for this project.
We welcome contributions to the project. If you have suggestions or improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.
- Historic England for providing the Heritage at Risk data
- The Peripleo team for developing and maintaining the mapping tool
For any questions or inquiries put an issue in and I'll respond.