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Migrating UIKit Controls to XAML
#Status of the migration of UIKit controls to XAML We announced back in July that part of our new UIKit approach included re-implementing the UIKit controls to have them backed by XAML controls. So far, we migrated UITextField, UISlider, UIActivityIndicatorView, UIScrollView and UIButton. We created issues on GitHub when publishing some of these changes but we also wanted to share here a full status of what has been done so far and what's coming next.
The XAML-backed implementation of UITextField (using XAML Textbox and PasswordBox controls) was first released on May 5, 2016 and you can find more details about what methods and properties are supported with this implementation here. One thing we lost with the new implementation is the participation of the UITextField control in the iOS hit-testing mechanism. That means, for instance, that scrolling on a UITextField embedded in a view will no longer trigger the view to scroll. The view will only scroll if the gesture is being done outside of the UITextField.
The XAML-backed implementation of UISlider (using a XAML Slider) was first released on July 5, 2016 and here's the list of changes that came with this new implementation:
Feature | Previous Implementation | XAML-backed Implementation |
value | Yes | Yes |
minimumValue | Yes | Yes |
maximumValue | Yes | Yes |
continuous | Yes | Yes |
minimumTrackTintColor | No | No |
maximumTrackTintColor | No | No |
thumbTintColor | No | Yes |
minimumValueImage | Yes | No |
maximumValueImage | Yes | No |
currentMinimumTrackImage | Yes | No |
currentMaximumTrackImage | No | No |
currentThumbImage | Yes | No |
- setValue:animated: | Partial | Partial |
- setMaximumTrackImage:forState: | Yes | No |
- setMinimumTrackImage:forState: | Yes | No |
- setThumbImage:forState: | Yes | No |
- thumbImageForState: | No | No |
- maximumTrackImageForState: | No | No |
- minimumTrackImageForState: | No | No |
trackRectForBounds | No | No |
minimumValueImageRectForBounds | No | No |
maximumValueImageRectForBounds | No | No |
thumbRectForBounds:trackRect:value | No | No |
The XAML-backed implementation of UIActivityIndicatorView (using a XAML Progress Ring) was first released on July 5, 2016 and here's the list of changes that came with this new implementation:
Feature | Previous Implementation | XAML-backed Implementation |
- initWithActivityIndicatorStyle | Caveat | Yes |
- initWithCoder: | Yes | Yes |
- initWithFrame: | Yes | Yes |
- startAnimating | Yes | Yes |
- stopAnimating | Yes | Yes |
activityIndicatorViewStyle | Yes | Yes |
color | Yes | Yes |
hideWhenStopped | Yes | Caveat |
isAnimating | Yes | Yes |
UIActivityIndicatorViewStyleGray | Yes | Yes |
UIActivityIndicatorViewStyleWhite | Yes | Yes |
UIActivityIndicatorViewStyleWhiteLarge | Yes | Yes |
The XAML-backed implementation of UIScrollView (using a XAML ScrollViewer control) was first published on September 6, 2016 and here is the list of changes that came with this implementation:
Feature | Previous Implementation | XAML-backed Implementation |
- setContentOffset:animated: | Yes | Yes |
contentOffset | Yes | Yes |
contentSize | Yes | Yes |
contentInset | Yes | Yes |
scrollEnabled | Yes | Yes |
directionalLockEnabled | No | Yes |
scrollsToTop | No | No |
- scrollRectToVisible:animated: | Yes | Yes |
pagingEnabled | Yes | Yes |
bounces | Yes | No |
alwaysBounceVertical | Yes | No |
alwaysBounceHorizontal | Yes | No |
- touchesShouldBegin:withEvent:inContentView: | No | No |
- touchesShouldCancelInContentView: | No | No |
delaysContentTouches | No | No |
decelerationRate | No | No |
dragging | Yes | Yes |
tracking | Yes | Yes |
decelerating | Yes | Yes |
indicatorStyle | No | No |
showsHorizontalScrollIndicator | Yes | Yes |
showsVerticalScrollIndicator | Yes | Yes |
- flashScrollIndicators | No | No |
panGestureRecognizer | Yes | No |
pinchGestureRecognizer | Yes | No |
- zoomToRect:animated: | Yes | Yes |
zoomScale | Yes | Yes |
- setZoomScale:animated: | Yes | Yes |
maximumZoomScale | Yes | Yes |
minimumZoomScale | Yes | Yes |
zoomBouncing | Yes | No |
zooming | Yes | Yes |
bouncesZoom | Yes | No |
Double tap auto-zooming | Yes | Yes |
delegate | Yes | Yes |
- scrollViewDidScroll: | Yes | Yes |
- scrollViewWillBeginDragging: | Yes | Yes |
- scrollViewWillEndDragging:withVelocity:targetContentOffset: | Yes | Yes |
- scrollViewDidEndDragging:willDecelerate: | Yes | Yes |
- scrollViewShouldScrollToTop: | No | No |
- scrollViewDidScrollToTop: | No | No |
- scrollViewWillBeginDecelerating: | Yes | Yes |
- scrollViewDidEndDecelerating: | Yes | Yes |
- viewForZoomingInScrollView: | Yes | Yes |
- scrollViewWillBeginZooming:withView: | Yes | Yes |
- scrollViewDidEndZooming:withView:atScale: | Yes | Yes |
- scrollViewDidZoom: | Yes | Yes |
- scrollViewDidEndScrollingAnimation: | Yes | Yes |
keyboardDismissMode | No | No |
The XAML-backed implementation of UIButton (using a XAML Image and a XAML TextBlock controls) was first published on November 7,2016 and here is the list of changes that came with this implementation. It's also worth noting that the default behavior where a system type UIButton will be dimmed when pressed on iOS is not supported by the bridge (but this behavior can easily be implemented in your app).
Feature | Previous Implementation | XAML-backed Implementation |
adjustsImageWhenDisabled | No | No |
adjustsImageWhenHighlighted | No | No |
- attributedTitle:forState | No | No |
- backgroundImageForState: | Yes | Yes |
- backgroundRectForBounds: | No | No |
buttonType | Yes | No |
+ buttonWithType: | Yes | Caveat: Type not fully supported |
contentEdgeInsets | Yes | Yes |
- contentRectForBounds: | Yes | Yes |
currentAttributedTitle | No | No |
currentBackgroundImage | Yes | Yes |
currentImage | Yes | Yes |
currentTitle | Yes | Yes |
currentTitleColor | Yes | Yes |
currentTitleShadowColor | No | No |
font | Yes | Yes |
imageEdgeInsets | Yes | Yes |
- imageForState: | Yes | Yes |
- imageRectForContentRect: | Yes | Yes |
imageView | Yes | Caveat: Returns a mock UIImageView that proxies some common properties and selectors to the underlying Image |
lineBreakMode | No | No |
reversesTitleShadowWhenHighlighted | No | No |
- setAttributedTitle:forState | No | No |
- setBackgroundImage:forState | Yes | Yes |
- setImage:forState: | Yes | Yes |
- setTitle:forState: | Yes | Yes |
- setTitleColor:forState: | Yes | Yes |
- setTitleShadowColor:forState: | No | No |
showsTouchWhenHighlighted | No | No |
tintColor | No | No |
- titleColorForState: | Yes | Yes |
titleEdgeInsets | Yes | Yes |
- titleForState: | Yes | Yes |
titleLabel | Yes | Caveat: Returns a mock UILabel that proxies some common properties and selectors to the underlying TextBlock |
- titleRectForContentRect: | Yes | Yes |
- titleShadowColorForState: | No | No |
titleShadowOffset | No | No |
touchesBegan:withEvent: | Yes | Yes |
touchesCancelled:withEvent: | Yes | Yes |
touchesEnded:withEvent: | Yes | Yes |
touchesMoved:withEvent: | Yes | Yes |
Using the bridge
- Getting Started
- Using vsimporter
- Using the SDK
- Building From Source
- Adding Objective C to an Existing Project
- UI Guidance
- Changing the SDK Version of a Project
- Debugging
- Debugging Stack Traces from Crash Dumps
- Supported Third Party Libraries
- Creating and Linking Against C++ Static Libraries
- Packaging
Samples and Tutorials
- Quick Start Tutorial
- Building a To-Do List App
- Building a Calculator App
- Mixing and Matching UIKit and XAML
- IOS Bridge Samples Repo