This clustering strategy relies on Amazon EC2 Tags as well as EPMD to find hosts, and then uses
the :net_adm
module to connect to nodes on those hosts.
It also supports setting multiple toplogies, and will choose which one to use based off the current host_name and tags found. For example if your current node has the tags that match one topology, they will be considered to be part of that topology and attempt to connect into that mesh
Note: This module requires ExAws to be configured
Available in Hex, the package can be installed
by adding libcluster_ec2_tag_strategy
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:libcluster_ec2_tag_strategy, "~> 0.1.0"}
The docs can be found at
You can have LibCluster automatically connect to nodes that match tags and setup multiple topologies:
config :libcluster, :topologies, [
frontend_nodes: [
strategy: Cluster.Strategy.EC2Tag,
config: [
tag_name: "Backend Group",
tag_value: ~r/(user|account) Frontend/i,
filter_fn: {MyHelper, :filter_instances}
data_nodes: [
strategy: Cluster.Strategy.EC2Tag,
config: [
tag_name: "Backend Group",
tag_value: "Data Nodes",
region: "us-east-2",
filter_node_names: {MyHelper, :filter_node_names}
some_other_nodes: [
strategy: Cluster.Strategy.EC2Tag,
config: [
tag_name: "Backend Group",
tag_value: "Extra Nodes",
region: "us-east-2",
host_name_fn: {MyHelper, :host_name}
defmodule MyHelper do
def filter_instances(%{"tagSet" => %{"item" => tags}}) do
case Enum.find(tags, &(&1["name"] === "Name")) do
nil -> false
%{"value" => value} -> value === "Learn Elixir Lander"
def filter_node_names(node) do
node =~ "my_node@host-00.&"
# This comes from ExAws.EC2 describe_instances
# By default we use the `instanceId`
def host_name(ec2_instance) do