environment variable points to a configuration file.
/* The requestor defined in irmaserver.json in the IRMA server */
"requestorname": "openstad_voting_pk",
/* Every poll must have it's unique uuid, use a generator to create one */
"uuid": "06c5a013-4e71-439a-b8da-65e35b6419f0",
/* URL of the IRMA server */
"irma": "",
/* URL of Node server, optional with port number */
"nodeUrl": "http://localhost:8000",
/* Port number the Node server listens to */
"port": 8000,
/* Document root of site to serve, only for demo */
"docroot": "../openstad",
/* Keys of voting options */
"voting_options": ["community", "tech", "zen"]
cd voting_node
docker build -t voting_node .
- Make sure IRMA is running (see
) - Add the URL of IRMA to
) - Make sure PostgreSQL is running and a user is created:
cd dev/db
cd voting_node/server
npm install
cd ../../dev
cd voting_node
docker run --rm -p80:8000 -e NODE_ENV=production -e CONFIG=config-prod.json -e PRIVATE_KEY="$(cat ../dev/private_key.pem)" -e POSTGRES_HOST=localhost -e POSTGRES_DATABASE=postgres -e POSTGRES_USER=postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=hj21kjy --name voting_container voting_node
Replace POSTGRES_HOST=localhost with IP address of Postgres.
cd voting_node
cp ../dev/config-dev.json server
docker build -t voting_node .
docker run -it --rm -p80:8000 -e CONFIG=config-dev.json -e PRIVATE_KEY="$(cat ../dev/private_key.pem)" -e POSTGRES_HOST=localhost -e POSTGRES_DATABASE=postgres -e POSTGRES_USER=postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=hj21kjy --name voting_container voting_node
Replace POSTGRES_HOST=localhost with IP address of Postgres.