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Releases: MikeyPdog/TLD-Minimods

v3.4 BetterXP-Mending bugfix

06 Apr 18:17
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Fix bug where you get mending XP for in progress items
Fix bug where the XP setttings in options menu dont apply

New Mod: Custom Whiteout

31 Mar 20:05
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Customise the Whiteout challenge item list and stockpile location.

Comes with 6 new preset challenges with 2 harder variants:

  1. Weapon Collector (Location: Signal Hill. 2x Distress Pistol, 2x Rifle, 2x Bow, 20x Bullets, 10x Arrow, 1x Hatchet)
  2. Fisher (50x Fish)
  3. FisherHard (100x Fish)
  4. Explorer (Location: Hunting Lodge. 1x Distress Pistol, 1x Milton Farm key, 10x Birch Bark, 10x Rosehip tea, 10x Reishi Tea, 1x Rifle, 1x Bow, 20x Arrows, 1x Hatchet)
  5. Hunter (1x Bear Pelt, 5x Wolf Pelt, 10x Deer Hide, 10x Rabbit Pelt)
  6. HunterHard (2x Bear Pelt, 2x Moose Hide, 10x Wolf Pelt, 20x Deer Hide, 20x Rabbit Pelt)
  7. Rope Collector (10x Mountaineering rope)
  8. Nightmare (1x Distress Pistol, 1x Bearskin Bedroll, 1x Moose hide bag, 1x Deerskin Pants, 1x Rabbitskin Hat, 30x Arrows, 10x Birch Bark, 30x soft/hard wood, 10x Rosehip Tea, 50x Reclaimed wood, 100x matches, 25x bandages)

These challenges also have food, water and kerosene requirements.

v3.2 Read when hungry: Affliction toggles

16 Mar 20:14
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Added separate toggle for every affliction separately, check out mod settings in the options.

v3.1 New Mod: Read When Hungry

11 Mar 20:54
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Provides toggles to let you read skill books when:

  • You're starving hungry
  • You have an affliction
  • You're completely thirsty
  • You're freezing cold
  • You're below 10% hp
  • You're completely exhausted

v3.0 Added ModSettings to mods

10 Mar 23:35
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Added customisable (ingame) settings menus for:

  • Tinder matters: Each tinder is customisable now
  • BetterXP-Mending: Customise which level you craft at
  • SprintCostsFood: Customise how much food sprinting takes
  • StarvingHurts: Customise how much it hurts
  • QuickerWoodCutting: Customise how long it takes to chop branches/limbs

Your settings will be saved in a .json file which persists across sessions and updates.

v2.81 Consume Torches on Firestart

09 Mar 16:26
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Added +5% firestart chance when using a torch

v2.8 New Mod: Consume Torches on Firestart

09 Mar 15:11
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Torches are consumed when attempting to start a fire with them.

Experienced players typically light fires by lighting a torch from a match (100% success rate) and then repeatedly trying to start a fire with the torch, basic tinder and a stick and no accelerant. This makes things like books and accelerant a bit pointless as you can simply retry with the same torch. It wouldnt be so bad if torch crafting was required (using cloth) but you can just pull torches from fires and extinguish them which makes them very easy to acquire.

You can still move fire from one place to the next by lighting a torch, moving to a new location, throwing the torch on the ground, then lighting more torches from it, and starting a fire with those torches. This strategy requires carrying quite a few torches though and torches get blown out if its windy, so I figure this is still fine.

This works well with my TinderMatters mod.

v2.61 Quicker Wood cutting tweak

03 Mar 15:02
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This fix works with the really big limbs too.

v2.7 New Mod: Archery Target Practice

03 Mar 23:56
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You can level up archery using the pleasant valley barn archery target:

  • You must be level 1 or 2 archery.
  • You can't be too close
  • You must hit the paper square on the target.

v2.6 New Mod: Quicker Wood Cutting

03 Mar 14:40
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Quicker to break down limbs and branches

  • Limbs: 45 mins -> 15 mins
  • Branches: 10 mins -> 5 mins

This is because you can gather more sticks quicker without even using a hatchet in this time and also collect sticks along the way. Cutting limbs and branches is typically not worth it.