Building an HTTP routing system with inspiration from Express.js.
Middleware and routes will be loaded in the order they are specified, and all dynamics using annotations will be loaded last.
Meaning if a middleware is important at the start, add it in code at the beginning before the use of listen.
It is therefore also important to add predefined middlewares like Session, at the start to ensure it gets ran before other middleware.
JXpress jXpress = new JXpress();
jXpress.listen(int port);
Can also be done for individual routers
jXpress.set404((request, response) -> void);
jXpress.get(String path, (request, response) -> void); path, (request, response) -> void);
jXpress.put(String path, (request, response) -> void);
jXpress.delete(String path, (request, response) -> void);
The router has the same functionality as the main JXpress
Router router = new Router();
// Add it to the pool of routes
jXpress.use(String path, router);
jXpress.use(String path, new FileReader(Path pathToFile));
jXpress.webFolder(String path, String folderPath);
Will provide all files and sub-folders files on the base path of "/".
jXpress.publicFolder(String folderPath);
jXpress.use((request, response) -> void);
Creating a class as such, it will automatically get added to the worker pool
//path, the one used below is the default value
@Middleware(path = "/")
public class className extends Worker
public class className extends Worker
The "onClose" function will be called just before the connection is closed.
// Implement the interface
public class <MiddlewareName> extends Worker implements IRequestOnClose
// Start listening
public void handle(Request request, Response response) {
Creating a class as such, it will automatically get added to the route pool
//path, method, provides all optional, the ones used below are the default values
@Route(path = "/", method = Method.GET, provides = "text/plain")
public class className implements IRequestHandler
public class className implements IRequestHandler
// Get the body as string
// Get the body as byte[]
// Get the body as Json using GSON
request.getJsonBody(Class<?> jsonClass);
// Get a cookie
request.getCookie(String key);
// Get all cookies
// Get a header
request.getHeader(String key);
// Get all headers
Parameters are send in the url eg. ?id=1,2,4&role=admin
// Get a parameter
request.getParameter(String key);
// Get all parameters
A way of keeping track of data throughout handling of requests.
request.setMiddlewareData(String key, Object data);
// Get a single value
request.getMiddlewareData(String key);
// Get the entire HashMap
Once a message is sent, the stream automatically closes
// Sending data
response.send(String message)
/* Or will use toString */
response.send(Object object)
To stop the stream prematurely use
// Get the current response code, defaults to 200
// Set response code
response.setResponseCode(int code);
response.setContentType(String type)
response.addHeader(String header, String value);
response.addHeader(String header, List<String> values);
response.addCookie(String key, String value);
This ensures the cookie format conforms to the HTTP standard.
response.addCookie(CookieBuilder cookieBuilder);
cookieBuilder.expires(LocalDateTime dateTime);
cookieBuilder.maxAge(int maxAge);
cookieBuilder.domain(String domain);
cookieBuilder.path(String path);
cookieBuilder.sameSite(SameSite sameSite);
response.addCookie(new CookieBuilder("cookieBuilder", "test").maxAge(100).sameSite(CookieBuilder.SameSite.LAX));
Will automatically add or retrieve a session and store it in the middleware data.
The session id is automatically sent to the client to store as a cookie.
Session cookie should remove itself once browser is closed, be aware this depends on the browser implementation.
jXpress.use(new Session());
// Getting the session
Session session = (Session) request.getMiddlewareData("session");
// Setting data in the session
session.setSessionData(String key, Object data);
// Retrieving data from the session
session.getSessionData(String key);
// Getting the session key
String sessionKey = (String) request.getMiddlewareData("sessionKey");
Exposes a file on a path:
jXpress.use(String path, new FileReader(Path pathToFile));