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Start your journey with the public Hedera network by learning the basics — from understanding the network’s architecture to who’s building next-generation applications, you’ll have a proper foundation to start building.
Hedera Explained | Understand the basics of Hedera network node types, developer services & API, governance, $HBAR, and more by reading this introduction to Hedera. | | hedera explained.png |
How It Works | Hedera is an open-source, public, proof-of-stake network. Hedera network services offer low & fixed fees,10k TPS, and instant transaction finality. | | why hedera.png |
Core Concepts | Dive into the technical core concepts of Hedera. Learn everything from how accounts are created to scheduling transactions and querying on-ledger data. | core-concepts | core concepts.png |
Hedera Ecosystem | From permissionless web3 startups and NFT projects to Fortune 500 companies, take a look into who’s choosing Hedera to build their next-generation application. | | case-studies-icon.png |
Start developing on the Hedera network today by following the step-by-step guide, which will provide you with everything you need to understand the essentials and start building web3 applications. Alternatively, you can start building with an end-to-end video tutorial.
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1. Testnet Access | Create your developer profile on the portal to get your testnet account ID, keys, and test HBAR. | | testnet access (1) (1).png |
2. Environment Setup | Choose an SDK and set up your development environment. Write code in Javascript, Java, or Go. | | environment setup (1).png |
3. Create an Account | Generate keys & learn how to create an account on the Hedera Testnet using the SDK — you’ll submit a transaction, receive an account ID and learn how to check your balance. | | create-an-account-icon.png |
4. Transfer HBAR | Send a balance transfer transaction by transferring HBAR from your account to another on Hedera Testnet. You'll create and verify a transfer transaction and learn how to get the account balance. | | transfer hbar.png |
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Start Developing on Hedera
by Developer Advocate: Michiel Mulders
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Learn how to use Hedera network services and build your first dApp by following these step-by-step tutorials.
Create & Deploy a Smart Contract | Create a Solidity Smart Contract that interacts with the Hedera Token Service, bringing full programmability into your token-based application. | | create & deploy a smart contract.png |
Create Fungible Tokens | Service to create fungible tokens that map to ERC-20 standards and scale to 10,000+ TPS. | | fungible-tokens-icon.png |
Create Non-Fungible Tokens | Use the Hedera Token Service to create non-fungible tokens that map to ERC-721 standards and scale to 10,000+ TPS. | | non-fungible-tokens-icon.png |
Write Verifiable Data to Hedera | Use the Hedera Consensus Service as a decentralized message bus to write immutable, verifiable, and consensus timestamped data at 10k+ TPS and $0.0001 per message. | | write-verifiable-data.png |
Learn about the suite of network services offered on Hedera and how each can be used to build decentralized applications.
Smart Contracts | An EVM-based smart contract service. Build and deploy contracts using Solidity or port over an existing smart contract with ease. | smart-contracts | smart contracts.png |
Token Service | Configure, mint, and manage native fungible and non-fungible tokens or using ERC-20 & 721 standards on the Hedera network. | token-service | token-service-icon.png |
Consensus Service | Incorporate scalable, real-time, auditable logs of events with consensus timestamps into any web2 or permissionless web3 application. | consensus-service | consensus-service-icon.png |
File Service | Hedera File Service is a decentralized file storage platform that allows users to securely store and access files on a distributed network of computers using hash as a file identifier. | readme-1-1 | file-service-icon.png |
Continue utilizing familiar Ethereum development tools such as Web3.js, Truffle, Ethers, Hardhat, and Foundry to build on Hedera using the JSON-RPC Relay. As an Ethereum developer, your workflow does not have to change.
Create an ECDSA Account | Create an ECDSA account that works with JSON-RPC to use EVM-compatible tooling, libraries, and wallets. | | create ECDSA account.png |
Set Up Metamask | Add a Hedera network to Metamask using the Hashio implementation of the JSON-RPC Relay. Sign transactions and queries to test your Hedera-powered application. | | setup metamask.png |
Libraries & Tooling | Integrate Hedera into Ethers, web3.js, Truffle, or Hardhat for building, debugging, and deploying your smart contract applications on the Hedera network. | | libraries & tooling.png |
JSON-RPC Relay | JSON-RPC makes it easy for existing EVM-based libraries, dev tools, and wallets to work effortlessly on Hedera. Hashio is a free implementation of the relay, offered by Swirlds Labs. | | JSON-RPC relay.png |
Explore various developer tools and resources on Hedera that help make building and maintaining your decentralized application even easier.
Network Explorers | Visualizations & APIs for historical network data, including account & token details, transactions, tokens, contracts, topics, and schedules. | | network explorers.png |
Wallet Integrations | Onboard users into your application with ease. Wallets on Hedera offer transaction signing, management of HBAR, NFTs, and fungible tokens. | #ecosystem-wallet-support | wallet integrations.png |
Network Bridge | HashPort is a public utility that facilitates the bi-directional movement of digital assets between public networks in a quick, secure, and cost-effective way. | | network bridge (1).png |
Monitoring & Security | Use Open Zeppelin’s Defender Admin, Relay, and Sentinels for administrative, security, and monitoring functionality for Smart Contracts on Hedera. | | monitor & security.png |
Local Node | Learn how to set up your own Hedera local network, including consensus & mirror nodes, using Docker. | | local node (1).png |
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