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e-Rum2020 Program

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Book of abstracts for accepted contributions

The abstracts of accepted contributions organized by session type is available as a bookdown at

Detailed program schedule

The detailed schedule of e-Rum2020 as PDF booklet.

Conference Materials

Materials of all talks and workshops are collected below.

Conference materials are being populated based on speakers and community contributions. We recommend to Watch and Star the repository to be up-to-date with newly-collected materials. For larger contributions, we recommend creating issues first for better coordination, and checking the existing ones for "help wanted".



🎥 Playlist

Keynote 1 - Stephanie Hicks - Life Sciences

Using R and data science to improve human health

Keynote 2 - Jared Lander - Applications

Applying R at Work

Keynote 3 - Francesco Bartolucci - Machine Learning & Models

Latent Markov models for longitudinal data in R by LMest package

Keynote 4 - Sharon Machlis - DataViz

What I Learned as an R Journalist

Keynote 5 - Tomas Kalibera - R World

The Invisible Work on R

Keynote 6 - Kelly O'Briant - R in Production

Reflections on two years of solutions engineering at RStudio

Invited Sessions

🎥 Playlist

Invited Session 1 - Life Sciences / CovidR / R World

🎥 Video

Multi-Omics Factor Analysis Plus: A probabilistic framework for comprehensive and scalable integration of multi-modal data

COVID-19 Data Hub

COVOID: Modelling COVID-19 Transmission and Interventions

  • Speaker: Mark Hanly (bio)
  • Materials: slides

Building Agile data products leveraging the R package structure

Invited Session 2 - Machine Learning & Models / DataViz (Shiny) / Applications

🎥 Video

brquasi: Improved quasi-likelihood estimation

Better than Deep Learning: Gradient Boosting Machines (GBM) – with 2020 updates

Testing Shiny: What, why, and how.

From writing code to infoRming policy: a case study of reproducible research in transport planning

  • Speaker: Robin Lovelace
  • Materials: slides

Invited Session 3 - Shiny / R in Production / R World

🎥 Video

CRANalerts: A Shinyapp-as-a-Service for Impatient R Users

  • Speaker: Dean Attali
  • Materials: TBD

And you thought CRAN was harsh

How to improve your R package

dplyr 1.0.0

Parallel Sessions

🎥 Playlist

Parallel Session 1 - Machine Learning

🎥 Video

Deduplicating real estate ads using Naive Bayes record linkage

Hydrological Modelling and R

  • Speaker: Emanuele Cordano
  • Materials: slides

gWQS: An R Package for Linear and Generalized Weighted Quantile Sum (WQS) Regression

  • Speaker: Stefano Renzetti
  • Materials: TBD

Flexible Meta-Analysis of Generalized Additive Models with metagam

Parallel Session 2 - Life Sciences

🎥 Video

CONNECTOR: a computational approach to study intratumor heterogeneity

  • Speaker: Simone Pernice
  • Materials: TBD

EPIMOD: A computational framework for studying epidemiological systems

  • Speaker: Paolo Castagno
  • Materials: TBD

How to apply R in a hospital environment on standard available hospital-wide data

  • Speaker: Mieke Deschepper
  • Materials: TBD

APFr: Average Power Function and Bayes FDR for Robust Brain Networks Construction

  • Speaker: Nicolò Margaritella
  • Materials: TBD

Parallel Session 3 - Applications / R in Production

🎥 Video

Using process mining principles to extract a collaboration graph from a version control system log

Design Patterns For Big Shiny Apps

Fake News: AI on the battle ground

  • Speaker: Ayomide Shodipo
  • Materials: TBD

progressr: An Inclusive, Unifying API for Progress Updates

Parallel Session 4 - Life Sciences

🎥 Video

Interpretable and accessible Deep Learning for omics data with R and friends

  • Speaker: Moritz Hess
  • Materials: TBD

GeneTonic: enjoy RNA-seq data analysis, responsibly

DaMiRseq 2.0: from high dimensional data to cost-effective reliable prediction models

  • Speaker: Mattia Chiesa
  • Materials: TBD

A simple and flexible inactivity/sleep detection R package

  • Speaker: Francesca Giorgolo
  • Materials: TBD

Parallel Session 5 - R World

🎥 Video

The R Consortium 2020: adapting to rapid change and global crisis

  • Speaker: Joseph Rickert
  • Materials: TBD

CorrelAidX - Building R-focused Communities for Social Good on the Local Level

  • Speaker: Regina Siegers
  • Materials: TBD

From consulting to open-source and back

  • Speaker: Christoph Sax
  • Materials: TBD

{polite}: web etiquette for R users

Parallel Session 6 - R in Production / R World

🎥 Video

Powering Turing e-Atlas with R

Dplyr snowflake integration for cloud based massive and fast data manipulation

  • Speaker: Massimiliano Silano
  • Materials: TBD

Supporting R in the Binder Community

  • Speaker: Sarah Gibson
  • Materials: TBD

Parallel Session 7 - Data Visualization & Shiny

🎥 Video

Transparent Journalism Through the Power of R

  • Speaker: Tatjana Kecojevic
  • Materials: TBD

Elevating shiny module with {tidymodules}

  • Speaker: Mustapha Larbaoui
  • Materials: TBD

Interactive visualization of complex texts

  • Speaker: Renate Delucchi Danhier
  • Materials: TBD

What’s New in ShinyProxy

  • Speaker: Tobias Verbeke
  • Materials: TBD

Parallel Session 8 - Machine Learning & Models

🎥 Video

Voronoi Linkage for Spatially Misaligned Data

  • Speaker: Luís G. Silva
  • Materials: TBD

Astronomical source detection and background separation: a Bayesian nonparametric approach

  • Speaker: Andrea Sottosanti
  • Materials: TBD

High dimensional sampling and volume computation

  • Speaker: Apostolos Chalkis
  • Materials: TBD

BNPmix: an new package to estimate Bayesian nonparametric mixtures

  • Speaker: Riccardo Corradin
  • Materials: TBD

Parallel Session 9 - R in Production

🎥 Video

Be proud of your code! Tools and patterns for making production-ready, clean R code

R alongside Airflow, Docker and Gitlab CI

  • Speaker: Matthias Bannert
  • Materials: TBD

Using XGBoost, Plumber and Docker in production to power a new banking product

  • Speaker: André Rivenæs & Markus Mortensen
  • Materials: TBD

Creating drag-and-drop shiny applications using sortable

  • Speaker: Andrie De Vries
  • Materials: TBD

Parallel Session 10 - Machine Learning / Applications

🎥 Video

FastAI in R: preserving wildlife with computer vision

  • Speaker: Jędrzej Świeżewski
  • Materials: TBD

Manifoldgstat: an R package for spatial statistics of manifold data

  • Speaker: Luca Torriani & Ilaria Sartori
  • Materials: TBD

varycoef: Modeling Spatially Varying Coefficients

Computer Algebra Systems in R

  • Speaker: Mikkel Meyer Andersen
  • Materials: TBD

Lightning Talks

🎥 Playlist

Lightning Talks 1 - Data Visualization & Production

🎥 Video

Time Series Missing Data Visualizations

effectclass: an R package to interpret effects and visualise uncertainty

Supporting Twitter analytics application with graph-databases and the aRangodb package

  • Speaker: Gabriele Galatolo
  • Materials: TBD

dm: working with relational data models in R

  • Speaker: Kirill Muller
  • Materials: TBD

An innovative way to support your sales force

  • Speaker: Matilde Grecchi
  • Materials: TBD

Keeping on top of R in Real-Time, High-Stakes trading systems

  • Speaker: Nicholas Jhirad
  • Materials: TBD

Lightning Talks 2 - Life Sciences

🎥 Video

An enriched disease risk assessment model based on historical blood donors records

A principal component analysis based method to detect biomarker captation from vibrational spectra

  • Speaker: Marco Calderisi
  • Materials: TBD

ptmixed: an R package for flexible modelling of longitudinal overdispersed count data

Differential Enriched Scan 2 (DEScan2): an R pipeline for epigenomic analysis

  • Speaker: Dario Righelli
  • Materials: TBD

Reproducible Data Visualization with CanvasXpress

Using open-access data to derive genome composition of emerging viruses

Lightning Talks 3 - Machine Learning

🎥 Video

Ultra fast penalized regressions with R package {bigstatsr}

Explaining black-box models with xspliner to make deliberate business decisions

One-way non-normal ANOVA in reliability analysis using with doex

  • Speaker: Mustafa Cavus
  • Materials: TBD

Analyzing Preference Data with the BayesMallows Package

Flexible deep learning via the JuliaConnectoR

Lightning Talks 4 - Applications

🎥 Video

rdwd: R interface to German Weather Service data

tv: Show Data Frames in the Browser

  • Speaker: Christoph Sax
  • Materials: TBD

Predicting the Euro 2020 results using tournament rank probabilities scores from the socceR package

  • Speaker: Claus Ekstrom
  • Materials: TBD

Design your own quantum simulator with R

What are the potato eaters eating

  • Speaker: Keshav Bhatt
  • Materials: TBD

Towards more structured data quality assessment in the process mining field: the DaQAPO package

Shiny Demos

🎥 Playlist

Shiny Demo 1 - Machine Learning & Applications

🎥 Video

A demonstration of ABACUS: Apps Based Activities for Communicating and Understanding Statistics

  • Speaker: Mintu Nath
  • Materials: TBD

tsviz: a data-scientist-friendly addin for RStudio

Media Shiny: Marketing Mix Models Builder

Scoring the Implicit Association Test has never been easier: DscoreApp

rTRhexNG: Hexagon sticker app for rTRNG

How green is your portfolio ? Tracking C02 footprint in the insurance sector

  • Speaker: Antoine Logean
  • Materials: TBD

Shiny Demo 2 - Mobility & Spatial

🎥 Video

Visualising and Modelling Bike Sharing Mobility usage in the city of Milan

  • Speaker: Agostino Torti
  • Materials: TBD

ESPRES: A shiny web tool to support River Basin Management planning in European Watersheds

  • Speaker: Angel Udias
  • Materials: TBD

Mobility scan

  • Speaker: Josue Aduna
  • Materials: TBD

Developing Shiny applications to facilitate precision agriculture workflows

  • Speaker: Lorenzo Busetto
  • Materials: TBD

“GUInterp”: a Shiny GUI to support spatial interpolation

Poster Sessions

🎥 Playlist

Poster Session 1 - Life Sciences & Applications

🎥 Video

A flexible dashboard for monitoring platform trials

  • Speaker: Alessio Crippa
  • Materials: TBD

PRDA package: Enhancing Statistical Inference via Prospective and Retrospective Design Analysis

EasyReporting: a Bioconductor package for Reproducible Research implementation

  • Speaker: Dario Righelli
  • Materials: TBD

NewWave: a scalable R package for the dimensionality reduction of single-cell RNA-seq

  • Speaker: Federico Agostinis
  • Materials: TBD

Integrating professional software engineering practices in medical research software

  • Speaker: Patricia Ryser-Welch
  • Materials: TBD

Dealing with changing administrative boundaries: The case of Swiss municipalities

Poster Session 2 - DataViz & Machine Learning

🎥 Video

Automate flexdashboard with GitHub

  • Speaker: Binod Jung Bogati
  • Materials: TBD

orf: Ordered Random Forests

Power Supply health status monitoring dashboard

  • Speaker: Marco Calderisi
  • Materials: TBD

First-year ICT students dropout predicting with R models

  • Speaker: Olga Dunajeva
  • Materials: TBD

Benchmark Percentage Disjoint Data Splitting in Cross Validation for Assessing the Skill of Machine

  • Speaker: Olalekan Joseph Akintande
  • Materials: TBD

badDEA: An R package for measuring firms’ efficiency adjusted by undesirable outputs

  • Speaker: Hervé Dakpo
  • Materials: TBD

CorpFinder- a new application to identify Large Corporate Risks

  • Speaker: Aurélien Severino
  • Materials: slides

Thematic Lounges

Thematic Lounge 1 - Developing Software and Careers in Life Sciences

Developing Software and Careers in Life Sciences

Thematic Lounge 2 - Building Community & Diversity

Building Community & Diversity

Thematic Lounge 3 - Data science: freelancing and business

Data science: freelancing and business


🎥 Playlist

Morning Workshops

Is R ready for Production? Let’s develop a Professional Shiny Application!

Image processing and computer vision with R

Explanation and exploration of machine learning models with R

Non-disclosive federated analysis in R

A unified approach for writing automatic reports: parameterization and generalization of R-Markdown

Build a website with blogdown in R

Afternoon Workshops

Reproducible workflows with the RENKU platform

  • Instructor: Christine Choirat, The Renku Development Team
  • Materials: TBD

How to build htmlwidgets

Semantic Web in R for Data Scientists

Advanced User Interfaces for Shiny Developers

Bring your R Application Safely to Production. Collaborate, Deploy, Automate