To note, the file called Model_590_Cart is not something I would normally do. An assignment I was working on called for certain types of decision trees using R. There is no direct counterpart in pyhton for the specific packages in R.
For the decision tree file you will see that the models perform poorly and are not something I would normally do. This file satisfies and assignment.
The data being used is provided by Kaggle and is part of the ongoing Boston Housing competition.
I performed recursive feature engineering to determine which variables provided the highest gini purity using Random Forest.
I then used those variables in a decision tree.
The document satisfies and assignment that I was working on. However, to actually model this problem correctly I will explore other options.
Please read through my notes in the data exploration. This was a quick walk through of the data with some feature engineering with correlation feature engineering.
In this file I am modeling the data with simple MLP network using Keras and tensorflow. The model did not perform that well but I could probably do a better job of optimizing the network as well as exploring other option types.
XGB performs quite well on initial try. I moved back to decision trees after determing that linear neural networks were not working as well as I was hoping.
Our final error with XGB worked well and got me in the top 30 percent for the Boston Housing competition on kaggle. I will try to find time in the future ot optimize this even further.