Releases: MindFoundry/mf-opencv-fork
Releases · MindFoundry/mf-opencv-fork
This is a fork of and was done so as the opencv.js file had a function in the original code that caused an inline-unsafe-eval csp error to be triggered.
In the opencv.js file this function:
function createNamedFunction(name, body) {
name = makeLegalFunctionName(name);
return new Function("body","return function " + name + "() {\n" + ' "use strict";' + " return body.apply(this, arguments);\n" + "};\n")(body)
was changed to:
function createNamedFunction(name, body) {
name = makeLegalFunctionName(name);
// Create the function string without using the Function constructor
const func = function() {
"use strict";
return body.apply(this, arguments);
// Attach the name to the function for debugging purposes
Object.defineProperty(func, 'name', { value: name, writable: false });
return func;
function makeLegalFunctionName(name) {
// Replace any characters that are not legal in function names
return name.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_$]/g, '_');
The opencv.js file has also been minimised