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/ Alfie-iOS Public template

This repo is part of Alfie: a project to boostrap eCommerce Projects (Front-end mobile/web and BE and Graph APIs)


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Alfie Native iOS Application

This is a repository for an e-commerce iOS app template. Its current behavior can be seen in the following demonstration:


This project uses a mock GraphQL API for fetching data. Mock server can be run locally as decribed in documentation:



Represents the data we'll use in our application. It is the result of the network requests used to feed our application with content.

public struct ProductListing {
    public struct Pagination {
        /// Start point
        public let offset: Int
        /// Records to return
        public let limit: Int
        /// The total number of results
        public let total: Int
        /// Number of pages based on offset
        public let pages: Int
        /// Current page
        public let page: Int
        /// Offset of next page if page exists
        public let nextPage: Int?
        /// Offset of previous page if page exists
        public let previousPage: Int?

        public init(offset: Int,
                    limit: Int,
                    total: Int,
                    pages: Int,
                    page: Int,
                    nextPage: Int? = nil,
                    previousPage: Int? = nil) {
            self.offset = offset
            self.limit = limit
   = total
            self.pages = pages
   = page
            self.nextPage = nextPage
            self.previousPage = previousPage

    public let title: String
    public let pagination: Pagination
    public let products: [Product]

    public init(title: String,
                pagination: Pagination,
                products: [Product]) {
        self.title = title
        self.pagination = pagination
        self.products = products


  • The view layer in this codebase is done in SwiftUI and some components in UIKit
  • We can use a SwiftUI navigation framework to help us with navigation. When creating the view, use the environment object coordinator of type Coordinator to access navigation features
  • Every view should have a viewModel that will handle necessary business logic needed to show the content to the user
import SwiftUI

struct FeatureView<ViewModel: FeatureViewModelProtocol>: View {
    @EnvironmentObject private var coordinator: Coordinator
    @StateObject private var viewModel: ViewModel

    init(viewModel: ViewModel) {
        self._viewModel = StateObject(wrappedValue: viewModel)

    var body: some View {
        switch viewModel.state {
            case .loading:
                LoaderView(circleDiameter: .defaultSmall)
            case .success:
            case .error:
            case .empty:


  • Observable object, that will trigger updates in the view
  • A state pattern is used to provide the view the info on which screen to render
  • The success state should be visible after a successful network request, that will provide the datasource to the view
  • A viewModel protocol is used to make it easier to mock viewModels for the snapshot tests
enum FeatureState {
    case loading
    case success(results: [String])
    case error
    case empty

protocol FeatureViewModelProtocol: ObservableObject {
    var state: FeatureState { get }

final class FeatureViewModel: FeatureViewModelProtocol {
    private let dependencyContainer: FeatureDependencyContainerProtocol
    @Published var state: FeatureState

    init(dependencyContainer: FeatureDependencyContainerProtocol) {
        self.dependencyContainer = dependencyContainer
        state = .success(["Australia", "Portugal", "UnitedKingdom"])


  • ViewModel helper
  • Filters the dependencies present in the ServiceProvider so that the viewModel only uses what it needs
protocol FeatureDependencyContainerProtocol {
    var deepLinkService: DeepLinkServiceProtocol { get }
    var webUrlProvider: WebURLProviderProtocol { get }

final class FeatureDependencyContainer: FeatureDependencyContainerProtocol {
    init(deepLinkService: DeepLinkServiceProtocol, 
         webUrlProvider: WebURLProviderProtocol) {
        self.deepLinkService = deepLinkService
        self.webUrlProvider = webUrlProvider


The navigation approach in our project contains five main components: CoordinatedView, Coordinator, Screen, ViewFactory and the NavigationAdapter.

Project Scheme

Navigation Adapter

  • Wrapper around the navigation functionality of SwiftUI
  • Provides an API with methods like push, pop, presentSheet, presentFullScreen etc.
  • This approach tries to mimic an UIKit way of navigating the app

Coordinated View

  • Object that initialises a navigation path with a root View
  • In order to create this object we need to provide a Coordinator and a ViewFactory
  • In theory we won't have deal with this object other than creating it in the TabScreen


  • This is the object that views will access to trigger some kind of navigation operation
  • The responsability of where we should navigate to should be unknown to the view
  • The coordinator should have methods like didTapBackButton that would use the NavigationAdapter to navigate to the correct view
final class Coordinator: ObservableObject, CoordinatorProtocol {
    let navigationAdapter: NavigationAdapter<Screen>

    init(navigationAdapter: NavigationAdapter<Screen>) {
        self.navigationAdapter = navigationAdapter

    // MARK: - Public

    public func didTapBackButton() {

    public func popToRoot() {

    public func openAccount() {


  • The view factory goal is to create the views and provide them to the CoordinatedView
  • We only have to worry about the creation of the view with the respective viewModels and dependencyContainers
  • It uses the screen enum to decide which view to return
  • The serviceProvider will be injected in this class in order do create the dependencies
final class ViewFactory: ViewFactoryProtocol {
    func view(for screen: Screen) -> some View {
        switch screen {
            case .tab(let tab):
                switch tab {
                    case .home:
                    case .shop:
                    case .bag:
            case .wishlist:
            case .account:
            case .search:
            case .debugMenu:


  • Enum that contains all the paths that the navigation can take
  • Each case in the enum will be associated with a returned view in the ViewFactory
enum Screen: ScreenProtocol {
    case tab(_ tab: TabScreen)
    case wishlist
    case account
    case search
    case debugMenu

    var id: Screen {


  • A Core package was created to include all the necessary services for the app to work
  • GraphQL and REST services should be included in this package but not in the app

Project Scheme

Style Guide

  • Theme default values and rules should be defined in the StyleGuide package, including colors, spacings, shapes, fonts, icons, animation types etc.
  • Reusable components such as buttons, loaders, among others, should also be implemented in this package.


This project uses Apple String Catalog. It requires iOS 16 which brings a new way to localise strings with LocalizedStringResource.

It is possible to initialise a localised string or a localised attributed string from a LocalizedStringResource beforehand or keep it to localise later when needed. The later approach enables having dynamic localisation on SwiftUI Previews by injecting different environment locales, while initialising a localised string/attributed string beforehand disables the ability to automatic lookup for a localisable resource in a different language.

In this project is being used SwiftGen which generates strongly-typed accessors for string catalogues, providing several significant benefits. First and foremost, it eliminates the risk of runtime errors caused by typos or incorrect key usage in localized strings, as all keys are now referenced through a type-safe API. This ensures compile-time validation, meaning that if a string key is removed or changed, the compiler will catch the issue immediately, reducing the likelihood of bugs slipping into production. Additionally, the generated enums provide a clear and organized structure, making it easier for developers to find and use localized strings consistently across the app. This approach also enhances code readability and maintainability, as the usage of localized strings is self-documenting and less prone to human error. Overall, it streamlines the development process, improves localization reliability, and boosts developer confidence.

How to use

  1. Open the String Catalog table L10n.
  2. Manually add the entries in the base language and any other languages. Please use ReverseDomain convention along with SnakeCase convention for keys naming (ex: plp.error_view.title) and give translation keys meaningful names.
  3. Mark for Review any entry not officially provided/approved to easily track the translations state (Mark as Reviewed when this happens too)
  4. Build the project. Using SwiftGen, will automatically update the L10n+Generated.swift file.

Note: New tables are discouraged, the goal is to have everything in the L10n table.


// L10n+Generated.swift
enum L10n {
  enum Account {
    /// Account
    static let title ="L10n", "account.title")
  enum Home {
    /// Home
    static let title ="L10n", "home.title")
    enum LoggedIn {
      /// Member Since: %@
      static func subtitle(_ p1: Any) -> String {
        return"L10n", "home.logged_in.subtitle", String(describing: p1))
      /// Hi, %@
      static func title(_ p1: Any) -> String {
        return"L10n", "home.logged_in.title", String(describing: p1))


How to test

LocalizationTests contains some tests that already handle the supported languages. If for some specific reason you have created a new table, you should include in testLocalizationTables test that will go through all the keys and validate translations are in place for all supported languages. Regarding testing localisation with arguments it's recommended to create a test to validate each variation (pluralization, devices, etc.) you may need to customize.

For example for the key plp.number_of_results.message below with pluralization, a test testLocalizableProductListingResultsWithArgs could be designed to lookup for each variation:

  • One: %d result
  • Other: %d results
func testLocalizableProductListingResultsWithArgs() {
  localizations.forEach { localization in
    let resources = [0, 1, 2].map { L10n.Plp.NumberOfResults.message($0) }
    XCTAssertTrue(validateLocalizedStrings(resources, for: localization))

Why SwiftGenPlugin?

This project utilizes SwiftGenPlugin to streamline the integration of SwiftGen into our workflow. By leveraging SwiftGenPlugin, we can manage the SwiftGen dependency directly through Swift Package Manager (SPM), avoiding the need to install the SwiftGen binary locally or rely on Cocoapods for dependency management. This approach ensures a cleaner, more organized setup for integrating SwiftGen, simplifies dependency handling, and makes the project easier to maintain and share across teams.

SwiftGen & SwiftGenPlugin notes

Both dependencies currently rely on forks of the original repositories, as the original projects appear to be abandoned. The solution for supporting string catalogues is still pending merge in a long-standing pull request (PR link).

The SwiftGenPlugin leverages Swift Package Manager (SPM) plugins by providing both a build tool plugin and a command plugin. While both plugins serve the same purpose of generating type-safe files, there are key differences:

The build tool plugin does not have write permissions, restricting the generated L10n+Generated.swift file to the DerivedData folder. The command plugin allows generating the L10n+Generated.swift file directly in the desired location, but it must be run manually with the command: swift package --allow-writing-to-package-directory generate-code-for-resources. However, this requires a Package.swift file containing the plugin, which is not applicable for this project. Given these constraints, we opted for the build tool plugin. It is integrated into a build phase under the Run Build Tool Plug-ins section, where it generates a Strings+Generated.swift file in the DerivedData folder with all content commented out. To address this, a custom build phase script, SwiftGen - Copy Generated Files from OUTPUT_DIR to Project, is used to copy the file to the project directory as L10n+Generated.swift, with the comments (/* and */) removed.

A copy-and-delete or move operation was not feasible because the file in DerivedData is required until the build process completes for the plugin to succeed. Additionally, both files cannot coexist simultaneously, as this would cause compile errors.

For more information about SPM plugins, see the official documentation.


This project uses GraphQL for fetching data from the BFF API. Data is fetched using queries defined by us that return models mapping the API as defined by our queries. The main advantage is that we can add or remove fields or change the returned data without requiring any changes on the API side, as long as we ask fields and data available within the defined schema.

How to add a new query

If a new feature being developed requires us to add a new query to fetch data from the BFF API, we need to:

  1. Create a new folder in Packages/Core/Sources/GraphQL/Queries/<Feature>
  2. Add a Queries.graphql file in that folder and add the query or queries you need (use existing queries as examples if necessary)
  3. It is recommended to use fragments to describe the returned models, so if possible define them and add them to a Fragments folder as <Model>Fragment.graphql files
  4. Update the schema by adding a schema-<feature>.graphqls file to Packages/Core/Sources/GraphQL/Schema
  5. The schema file you add should extend the Query type with the new query or queries and also add all the new types necessary for the feature
  6. Open the terminal app, cd to Packages/Core and run ./apollo-ios-cli generate
  7. Confirm that new query objects, new models and respective mocks were added to the repository
  8. Create the local models that the app will use for the feature in the Models package, mapping the BFF models as required
  9. In Packages/Core/Sources/Services/BFFService/Converters add the necessary converter extensions to convert BFF models into the newly created local models
  10. Add the fetch method for the new query in the BFFClientService instance, including the conversion to the internal models;

How to update a query

If a new field is required or no longer necessary for an existing feature, we need to:

  1. Update the corresponding query to add / remove the field (or just update the fragment if that's the case)
  2. Run the generate command as described in step 6 above
  3. Update the local model and / or the conversion methods


Work in progress


Work in progress


This repo is part of Alfie: a project to boostrap eCommerce Projects (Front-end mobile/web and BE and Graph APIs)








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