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This is the source code for my blog hosted in the following url: This source code was adapted from the Jekyll-Uno theme created by Josh Gerdes.


The following are the prerequisites that need to be installed to be able to build the website offline:

  • Install ruby; this is the command on Ubuntu
    sudo apt-get install ruby-full build-essential zlib1g-dev
  • Install bundler
    gem install bundler

Run it offline

Now all dependencies are installed, you can follow these steps to be able to build the blog offline on your machine:

  • clone the repository from GitHub:
    git clone
  • Install gems found in Gemfile:
    bundle install
  • Now, we can start Jekyll server:
    bundle exec jekyll serve --watch
  • You can access the blog via the following link: http://localhost:4000

How It works

In this part, I will try to explain how things work in this repository. Let's start by listing the files in this project and what each one does.


The following are all the files found in this repository sorted in alphabetical order:

  • css/: Directory containing main.css file which contains my preferred styles. This file overrides the properties found in _scss directory.

  • _drafts/: Directory for drafts of your posts. This directory is excluded when building by default in Jekyll.

  • images/: Directory containing images found only the cover of the blog. Posts images can be found in my_collections directory.

  • _includes/: Directory containing relatively small HTML layout files that will be included by the HTML layout files defined in the layout directory.

    • cover.html: The blog cover! The part where the name, socials, and collection icons are found.
    • disqus.html: For the disqus plugin, gonna talk about his later.
    • footer.html: The footer for all pages in the blog where most of the JavaScript plugins are defined.
    • head.html: The header for all pages in the blog where most of the css codes are defined.
    • socials.html: The HTML page for all social icons found on the cover.
  • js/: Directory containing all JavaScript scripts in this blog.

    • jquery.v3.3.1.min.js: JQuery v3.3.1 (included so I can work offline).
    • main.js: User-defined functions.
    • search.json: JSON file that creates blog database for the search functionality. Gonna talk about in more detail later.
    • simple-blog-search.min.js: Simple Blog Search plugin used for the search functionality.
  • _layouts/: Directory for the main HTML layouts used in the blog.

    • default.html: The main (default) HTML layout for the blog.
    • named_collection.html: The HTML layout for enlisting all articles found in a certain collection.
    • post.html: The HTML layout for the article/post.
    • tags.html: The HTML tags for /tags route showing list of tags published papers mentioned in the blog.
  • my_collections/: Directory containing all articles I wrote for my blog. All files in this directory are in Markdown format. Any images included in any article can be found here as well.

  • _sass/: Directory containing all SCSS files.

    • animate.scss: Defines simple animation used in the blog; like the collapse or bounce down.
    • monokai.scss: Defines the style of the inline code in posts.
    • tables.scss: Defines the style of tables in posts.
    • uno.scss: Defines the main style for the blog.
  • File for not-found pages.

  • _config.yml: YAML configuration file for Jekyll.

  • Gemfile: File where you specify the ruby gems you want to use.

  • Gemfile.lock: File where Bundler records the exact versions that were installed.

  • googleb6210f0379e386f0.html: File that Google search engine uses to to prove my ownership to the domain.

  • index.html: The HTML file for the home page.

  • The main page for \tags route.

  • The main page for /language-modeling route.

  • The main page for /machine-translation route.

  • The main page for /multilingual-nmts route.

  • robots.txt: A file used by search engine crawlers.

  • search.html: The main page for the /search route.

  • sitemap.xml: A Sitemap is an XML file that lists the URLs for a site.

  • The main page for the /speech-recognition route.

  • The main page for the /word-embedding route.

Now, we have an idea about each single file of this repository. Once you start the server using the bundle exec jekyll serve --watch command, the server will load the _config.yml file and then launch the project on the http://localhost:4000 which will present the content of the index.html file.


Any file that wasn't mentioned in the previous list is either deprecated or not important at the current moment!


_config.yml is a YAML file containing the configuration for the Jekyll server. You can consider this file as the start-point of the whole project. In this file, you can define the global variables for the whole project. Any file in this project whether it's an HTML, CSS, JavaScript or even a markdown can access these global variables.

Now, let's discuss a few of these global variables:

  • title: The title of the blog.
  • description: The description of the blog.
  • url: The url of the deployment.
  • cover: The image relative path that will be used as a background.
  • baseurl: The baseurl of the blog. For example, if the baseurl: '', this means that the blog will be reached at http://localhost:4000/
  • google_analytics: The Google Analytics Tracking ID or Measurement ID.
  • disqus_shortname: The shortname for the disqus plugin.
  • author: Personal information about the blog owner including his socials.
  • collection_dir: The directory where all the collections will be found. Mine is my_collections, so there should be a directory at the root of the project with the same name.
  • collections: A list of all collections in this blog. Each collection is a topic; such as "Machine Translation", "Language Modeling", ...etc. Each collection has the following properties:
    • output: true: This means there will be output for this collection.
    • permalink: This is the route of this collection.
    • title: The title of the collection.
  • defaults: All default options can be defined here. Here, I defined the default layout for all of my collections; which is post.html.
  • destination: The directory where the project will be built. Mine is _site, so after starting the server, a new directory called _site will be created in the root directory.
  • markdown: The Markdown Flavor used in the project.
  • exclude: The files that should be excluded and not monitored by the Jekyll server.

The following are some of the past variables shown in the blog:


The index.html file is the main HTMl layout for this project. If you open this file in this project, you will find the following few lines. These few lines are called Front Matter, you can read more about them from here:

layout: default

This means that the file will include the default.html layout found in the _layouts directory first thing. Then, any thing added in the index.html file after these few lines will be used after importing the content of the default.html layout.

Create New Post

Creating a new post is pretty straight-forward. You can do it by going into the directory of the collection to which the post belong. For example, if you want to write a new Practice post, you can do it by following these steps:

  • Go to the my_collections/_practice directory.
  • Create a new Markdown file with the name of the post.
  • Add the Front Matter to the file.
    title:    # Title of the post.
    date:     # Date of the post.
    cover:    # Relative path to the post's cover image.
    tags:     # Tags that published this paper.
    comments: # Whether or not the post will have comments. (default: true)
  • Add the content of the post using Markdown.


Starting from this point, I'm going to walk you through the most important features in this blog and how to customize them:


MathJax is a JavaScript plugin used for rendering LaTeX mathematical formula in HTML. You can use MathJax easily by adding the following few lines in the footer.html file:

<!-- Adding MathJax -->
<script type="text/x-mathjax-config">
    "tex2jax": {
      inlineMath: [['$','$'], ['\\(','\\)']],
      processEscapes: true
    "HTML-CSS": { linebreaks: { automatic: true } },
    "SVG": { linebreaks: { automatic: true } },
{% if jekyll.environment != "development" %}
<script type="text/javascript" async
{% else %}
<script type="text/javascript" async

This code will do the following:

  • Load the latest version of MathJax.
  • Allow MathJax to render inline formula as well as ordinary formula.
  • Make the rendered math formula responsive with the window size.

For MathJax to work, you need to be connected to the internet. If you want to use it offline, then follow the steps found here.


To be able to customize the search functionality in this blog, you need to check the following three files:

  • search.html: This is the HTML layout responsible for the search bar found on the cover of the blog.
  • js/search.json: This is the file responsible for generating the JSON database that will be used by the search plugin.
  • js/simple-blog-search.min.js: This is the Simple Blog Search plugin that does the searching using the JSON database created at deployment.

Minutes to Read

One of the most important features implemented here is to show the number of minutes an average reader would take to read a certain article. You can find this piece of information at the first line of any article.

The piece of code responsible for this feature can be found in the post.html layout file. In particular, the following few lines:

<span id="reading-time">
  {% assign words = page.content | strip_html | number_of_words %}
  {{ words | divided_by: 250 | plus: 1 }} mins read


This code assume that the average person is able to read 250 words per minute which is the universal value for English. If this number changes for other languages, don't forget to change it here.

Create New Collection

In this blog, you can see about five different collections which are: "Language Modeling", "Machine Translation", "Multilingual NMTs", "Speech Recognition" and "Word Embedding". To be able to create a new one, follow the following three steps:

  • Create a new entry at the collection list in the _config.yml file like so:
    [COLLECTION-NAME]: #this is for the URL
      output: true
      permalink: /:collection/:path
      title: "[COLLECTION-TITLE]" #this is for the button
  • Create a new file at the root named [COLLECTION-NAME].md with the following written inside:
    layout: named_collection
    collection_name: [COLLECTION-NAME]
    title: [COLLECTION-title]
    permalink: /[COLLECTION-NAME]/
  • Create a new directory named _[COLLECTION-NAME] inside the my_collection directory. Notice the underscore _ at the beginning of the name!


You can use disqus plugin to enable comments on your blog. To customize it, you only need to add your disqus shortname to the disqus_shortname variable in the _config.yml file.

The HTML for the disqus plugin, can be found in the disqus.html file.


To disable the comments on a certain post, go to the post markdown file and add the following line in the header just like so:

comments: false

Google Analytics

You can enable Google Analytics on your blog. To customize this, you only need to add your Tracking ID (or Measurement ID) to the google_analytics variable in the _config.yml file. To know how to get this ID, check out the following page.

If you want to check the Javascript code responsible for enabling Google Analytics, you can check the footer.html file. You will find the following code:

<!-- Adding Google Analytics -->
{% if site.google_analytics and jekyll.environment != "development" %}
<script async src="{{ site.google_analytics }}"></script>
  window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
  function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}
  gtag('js', new Date());

  gtag('config', '{{ site.google_analytics }}');
{% endif %}


If you have a page with a layout that you want to make it not accessible to search engines, you can add the following line in the Front Matter of that page:

robots: noindex

This will make the page not accessible to search engines by activating the following <meta> tag to the page header (head.html):

{% if page.robots %}
  <meta name="robots" content="{{ page.robots }}">
{% endif %}


This is only for pages that has layout. In other words, its layout can NOT be layout: null


A Sitemap is an XML file that lists the URLs for a site. It allows webmasters to include additional information about each URL; such as:

  • When it was last updated.
  • How often it changes
  • How important it is in relation to other URLs of the site.
  • etc.

You can see the sitemap at the following URL: http://localhost:4000/sitemap.xml or https://[USERNAME]

You can change the priority and frequency of a certain post/page in your blog by adding the following few lies in the Front Matter of that post/page:

  priority: 0.7
  changefreq: weekly 


The default frequency is monthly while the default priority for any post is 0.5 while it's 0.3 for any page. A page is any file that isn't HTML while a post is an HTML or a markdown files.

You can exclude a post/page from the sitemap by adding the following line in the Front Matter of that post/page:

  exclude: true


Mineversal Blog | Mineversal Foundation & Organization






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