So i started a project for drawing a car route from A to B in Japan (with transits C, D, etc)
Also need to find options for bus, metro from A to B
I found out that they got something call navitime
At first everything is so blur and hard to understand for me
So that why after i getting a little more familiar with this navitime, i decided to create this project
If you like my work, please give me a start and a folk
So appriciate
You need to create API access to NAVITime including:
API_DOMAIN=xxxxxxxxx api-service url from
API_CID=rxxxxxxx will be the user's CID
API_SIGNATURE=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx which consists of the request code and key
Take the information from step 1 and place it into the .env file (based on the template file)
Installation steps can be found from various sources on Google
docker-compose up --build -d
docker-compose up -d
npm install
npm start