This library aims to standardize the implementation and appearance of React components throughout United Income's properties. It includes a series of exportable components derived from the United Income Design System that can be used across teams to build a uniform experience.
You can install the United Income component library into your project by running the following command.
yarn add @unitedincome/components
This component library can be installed and initialized by running yarn start
. This will start a local instance of Storybook, allowing you to view a series of stories that represent each component.
If you'd like to contribute to this project please take a look at the contributing guide.
We utilize peer dependencies as we often require packages that already exist in our other applications. Because of this you will also need to install the required peer dependencies into your project. You can learn more about peer dependencies here.
You can then decide if you want to use this library by importing components individually or by importing them all together which will result in a larger bundle size.
For individual importing, you can pull in separate files from the dist
import Button from '@unitedincome/components/dist/Button';
To import all components together, you can import more simply:
import {Button, CardShell, Slider} from '@unitedincome/components';
You will also need to import the relevant CSS files. You have the choice between importing them individually into your style manifest or in bulk. For both methods you'll need to also include the util.css
file which includes prefixed grid layout and utility classes from Bootstrap. These classes are prefixed with uic--
and can be used like so: uic--col-md-6
For individual imports you can use the following:
@import '~@unitedincome/components/dist/util.css';
@import '~@unitedincome/components/dist/Button.css';
To import all styles you can use:
@import '~@unitedincome/components/dist/util.css';
@import '~@unitedincome/components/dist/index.css';
This component library also comes packaged with a series of color variables that are outlined in the United Income DSM. These can be imported into your Sass manifest like so:
@import '~@unitedincome/components/dist/colors.scss';
These variables can also be utilized in JavaScript.
import {colors} from '@unitedincome/components';
In addition to color variables this component library also has a number of z-index values available to use. You can maintain the same ordering hierarchy by importing these variables into your project like so:
@import '~@unitedincome/components/dist/zindex.scss';
These are also available as a JavaScript object..
import {zindex} from '@unitedincome/components';
Components should be written using TypeScript. Running yarn generate
will create the folder and files you need to start building out your component. Each component at the very least should have an export, documentation, testing, and a story file. The general structure should look something like the following.
βββ components
βββ atoms
β βββ Input
β βββ Input.tsx
β βββ Input.mdx
β βββ Input.spec.tsx
β βββ Input.story.js
βββ molecules
To make utilizing other components within your component easier, the library includes a number of directory aliases which allow for easier importing, you can utilize ~components
, ~constants
and ~proptypes
to access the root directories.
Please refer to the contributing guide for information on how to test your changes.
While there are always going to be special cases, the following guidelines should be considered when contributing to the library.
- Do not include external margins or padding on the individual components by default.
- Create strong PropTypes for all props on all components, even if that necessitates custom PropTypes.
- Comment each PropType, this will allow for React doc gen to properly document what each one does.
- Components should have 100% test coverage.
- Keep external dependencies to an absolute minimum and, when used, most likely add them as peer dependencies in the
and as external dependencies inwebpack.config.js
. - While components can utilize internal state, do not make them reliant on a global state (i.e., redux).
- The Bootstrap 4 grid and utility classes are included, and prefixed with
, these should be used as much as possible. - Check for the existence of global variables such as those exposed by
in a browser before accessing them. We use this library in non-browser environments, such asreact-static
which requires code to be node-safe. - Do not remove the browser default
focus state unless you're replacing it with something else. - Documentation should be clear and concise, and offer code samples as much as possible using mdx.
- CSS should be written using the BEM methodology and prefixed with
The .story.js
file should represent a staged version of your component which will display in the Storybook interface. Each story is snapshot tested with a visual regression testing tool called Percy, so capturing different visual variations of your component in a story is preferred.
This component library utilizes a number of Storybook addons, such as knobs and storybook-readme to allow users to play around with the relevant PropTypes, and to see inline documentation. To simplify your story creation, adding a defaultProps
helper function that configures the component props is preferred.
You can find a basic example of a Story below.
import React from 'react';
import {storiesOf} from '@storybook/react';
import TrashIcon from './TrashIcon';
import {text} from '@storybook/addon-knobs';
import TrashIconReadme from './';
const stories = storiesOf('Atoms/Icons/TrashIcon', module);
docs: {
page: TrashIconReadme,
// Sets up the default props for multiple different story variations.
const defaultProps = () => ({
fill: text('fill', '#000'),
height: text('height', '2rem'),
width: text('width', '2rem'),
stories.add('default', () => (<TrashIcon {...defaultProps()} />), { // Options ... });
This Storybook has integration with InVision's DSM product. If a story exists in the DSM you can attach the corresponding id to the story by passing the following into the stories options object. You can learn more about how to generate an id here.
'in-dsm': {
id: 'abc123
Depending on the type of story it may be necessary to skip it from being tested with Percy. You can do this by passing the following into the stories options object.
'percy': {
skip: true
If your component is controlled by state, you'll need to add a state wrapper to your story. For this you can use the storybook-state
addon. You can find more information about the state wrapper we utilize here.
import React from 'react';
import {storiesOf, forceReRender} from '@storybook/react';
import {StateDecorator, Store} from '@sambego/storybook-state';
const stories = storiesOf('Molecules/RadioButtons', module);
// Default state is stored in a Store object.
const store = new Store({
yesNo: '',
followup: 'custom',
input: '',
bank: '',
// You'll need to add the StateDecorator as a Storybook decorator using addDecorator.
// Subscribes to store changes and forces the component to re-render.
store.subscribe(() => {
const defaultProps = ({formName, table}) => ({
name: formName,
table: boolean('table', table),
onChange: (name, value) => store.set({[name]: value}),
value: store.get(formName),
key: formName,
// You can set/get state using state.set() and state.get().
stories.add('default', () => (
formName: 'yesNo',
options: [
label: 'Yes',
value: 'yes',
label: 'No',
value: 'no',
label: "I don't know",
value: 'idk',
disabled: true,
Components are linted for accessibility using the eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y and validated using storybook-addon-a11y.
Additionally included in the component library preview is a polyfill for the :focus-visible
CSS pseudo selector, which turns off the outline
CSS property off for users who are not using a keyboard to navigate. You can include the polyfill in your own project by including the script file and the required CSS on the page.
<!-- Turns off the outline for those not using a keyboard -->
.js-focus-visible :focus:not(.focus-visible) {
outline: none;
<script src=""></script>
You can learn more about the :focus-visible
polyfill here.
This component library uses CSS rem sizing for spacing and font sizes. In order to get the intended effect your application should use the following sizing base.
html {
font-size: 10px;
@media (max-width: 991px) {
html {
font-size: 8px;
When learning about this library, the following resources may come in handy.