Releases: MiraGeoscience/simpeg
change dependency of pymatsolver for a higher version compatible with newer MKL
Full Changelog: v0.21.2.1+mira...v0.21.2.2+mira
What's Changed
- [GEOPY-1573] Update simpeg fork to 0.21.2 by @domfournier in #49
- [GEOPY-1614] Merge by @domfournier in #51
- [GEOPY-1531] Implement rescaling of misfit functions for joint inversion by @domfournier in #54
- [GEOPY-1448] Add option to export sensitivities for all inversions by @domfournier in #55
- [GEOPY-1787] Group vector model orientation parameters as "Dip Direction & Dip" by @domfournier in #57
- [DEVOPS-511] Update deploy workflows to release pip package on pypi by @SophieCurinier in #61
- [GEOPY-1531] Implement rescaling of misfit functions for joint inversion by @domfournier in #62
- [GEOPY-1896] Ram/Disk option not working in simpeg through Analyst by @domfournier in #65
- [GEOPY-1897] Save sensitivities fails for MVI inversion in Analyst by @domfournier in #66
New Contributors
- @SophieCurinier made their first contribution in #56
Full Changelog: v0.19.0.8+mira...v0.21.2.1+mira
What's Changed
- GEOPY-1573 by @domfournier in #49
- GEOPY-1614 by @domfournier in #51
- GEOPY-1617: solving dependencies to be locked and used from simpeg-drivers by @sebhmg in #52
- GEOPY-1531: r2 by @domfournier in #53
- GEOPY-1531: Round 3 by @domfournier in #54
- GEOPY-1448: Add option to export sensitivities for all inversions by @domfournier in #55
- DEVOPS-504: Automatically publish python package on Artifactory by @SophieCurinier in #56
- GEOPY-1787 by @domfournier in #57
- DEVOPS-515: requires geoh5py 0.10 + pymatsolver constraint in conda recipe by @sebhmg in #60
- DEVOPS-511: Update deploy workflows to release pip package on pypi by @SophieCurinier in #61
New Contributors
- @SophieCurinier made their first contribution in #56
Full Changelog: v0.19.0.8+mira...v0.21.2.1a1+mira
What's Changed
- GEOPY-1382 by @domfournier in #41
- GEOPY-440 by @domfournier in #40
- Fix seed setting in directive by @domfournier in #42
- Geopy 1408 by @domfournier in #43
- GEOPY-1479 by @domfournier in #46
- GEOPY-1472: declare missing dependencies in pyproject.toml by @sebhmg in #47
- GEOPY-1516 - Improve scaling of cross-gradient regularization by @domfournier in #48
Full Changelog: v0.19.0.dev7+geoapps.0.11.1...v0.19.0.8+mira
What's Changed
Bug fixes
GEOPY-1016 - load simpeg inversion results - data has no segments, by @domfournier
GEOPY-1299 - Time-domain EM: Error on Zero type addition, by @domfournier
GEOPY-1331 - Apply fixes to coterminal angle, by @domfournier
Full Changelog: v0.19.0.dev5+geoapps.0.11.0...v0.19.0.dev7+geoapps.0.11.1
What's Changed
- Issue 1037 patch by @jcapriot in #9
- Regularization edits by @jcapriot in #22
- example cleanup, fixing access to properties by @thibaut-kobold in #23
- GEOPY-267: Inversion Log: Add flag for switch to spherical/ IRLS iterations, by @domfournier in #34
- GEOPY-1220: fix crash on multi-component tem, by @domfournier in #37
New Contributors
- @jcapriot made their first contribution in #9
- @thibaut-kobold made their first contribution in #23
Full Changelog: v0.15.1.dev9+geoapps...v0.19.0.dev5+geoapps.0.11.0
What's Changed
- GEOPY-696: DCIP Crash using Pole-Pole survey from GEOH5, by @benk-mira in #30
- GEOPY-733: optimization of dask process, by @domfournier in #32
Full Changelog: v0.15.1.dev7+geoapps.0.9.1...v0.15.1.dev9+geoapps
What's Changed
- GEOPY-673: Parallelize the regularization derivs by @domfournier in #27
Full Changelog: v0.15.1.dev5+geoapps.0.8.0...v0.15.1.dev7+geoapps.0.9.1
First version with support for GEOH5