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End-to-end typesafe success, error & validation state control for Next.js 14 form actions.


Action Creator

  • ✅ Provides "invalid" | "success" | "failure" response objects.
  • ✅ Define generic payload for each of the response type.

Form Action builder

  • ✅ tRPC-like builder API for .input(zodSchema) & context .use(middleware)
  • ✅ Parses formData with zod-form-data

Stateful <Form />

  • <Form /> component reads the action's response.
  • ✅ Computes progress meta-state like isInvalid, isSuccess and more.


npm i react-form-action zod-form-data
NPM Version


formAction builder

// app/actions/auth.ts
"use server";

import { formAction } from "react-form-action";
import { z } from "zod";
import { cookies } from "next/headers";

const i18nMiddleware = async () => {
  const { t } = await useTranslation("auth", cookies().get("i18n")?.value);
  // will be added to context
  return { t };

const authAction = formAction
  .use(async ({ ctx: { t } }) =>
    console.log("🎉 context enhanced by previous middlewares 🎉", t),
  .error(({ error }) => {
    if (error instanceof DbError) {
      return error.custom.code;
    } else {
      // unknown error
      // default Next.js error handling (error.js boundary)
      throw error;

export const signIn = authAction
  .input(z.object({ email: z.string().email() }))
  // 🎉 extend the previous input (only without refinements and transforms)
  .input(z.object({ password: z.string() }))
  .run(async ({ ctx: { t }, input: { email, password } }) => {
    // Type inferred: {email: string, password: string}

    await db.signIn({ email, password });

    return t("verificationEmail.success");

export const signUp = authAction
        email: z.string().email(),
        password: z.string(),
        confirm: z.string(),
      .refine((data) => data.password === data.confirm, {
        message: "Passwords don't match",
        path: ["confirm"],
  ) // if using refinement, only one input call is permited, as schema with ZodEffects is not extendable.
  .run(async ({ ctx: { t }, input: { email, password } }) => {
    // 🎉 passwords match!

    const tokenData = await db.signUp({ email, password });

    if (!tokenData) {
      return t("signUp.emailVerificationRequired");

    return t("singUp.success");

Server Action (usable in Next.js)

"use server";

import { createFormAction } from "react-form-action";
import { z } from "zod";

// Define custom serializable error & success data types
type ErrorData = {
  message: string;

type SuccessData = {
  message: string;

type ValiationError = {
  name?: string;

const updateUserSchema = z.object({ name: z.string() });

export const updateUser = createFormAction<
>(({ success, failure, invalid }) =>
  // success and failure helper functions create wrappers for success & error data respectively
  async (prevState, formData) => {
    if (prevState.type === "initial") {
      // use the initialData passed to <Form /> here
      // === "foobar"

    try {
      const { name } = updateUserSchema.parse({
        name: formData.get("name"),

      const user = await updateCurrentUser(name);

      if (user) {
        // {type: "success", data: "Your profile has been updated.", error: null, validationError: null}
        return success({
          message: "Your profile has been updated.",
      } else {
        // {type: "error", data: null, error: { message: "No current user." }, validationError: null}
        return failure({ message: "No current user." });
    } catch (error) {
      if (error instanceof ZodError) {
        // {type: "invalid", data: null, error: null, validationError: {name: "Invalid input"}}
        return invalid({
          name: error.issues[0]?.message ?? "Validation error",

      return failure({ message: "Failed to update user." });

<Form> Component

"use client";
// Form connects the formAction to the formState & provides the meta state props via render prop
import { Form } from "react-form-action/client";

import { updateUser } from "@/actions";

export function UpdateUserForm() {
  return (
    <Form action={updateUser} initialData="foobar">
      }) => (
          {/* safely access the data or error by checking the mutually exclusive boolean flags: */}
          {isSuccess && <p className="success-message">{data}</p>}
          {isFailure && <p className="error-message">{error.message}</p>}
          <input type="text" name="name" disabled={isPending} />
          {isInvalid && (
            <span className="input-error">{}</span>

          <button disabled={isPending}>
            {isPending ? "Submitting..." : "Submit"}

Bonus <FormStatus>

The useFormStatus hook data exposed via render prop:

import { FormStatus } from "react-form-action/client";

// <FormStatus> alleviates the need to create a separate <SubmitButton> component using the useFormStatus hook

return function MyForm() {
  return (
    <form action={action}>
        {({ pending }) => (
          <button type="submit">{pending ? "Submitting..." : "Submit"} </button>