TwitchLite is a service that distills Twitch streams into bite-size highlight chunks for a more compact viewing experience. The chats of the top 400+ Twitch streams are monitored at any given moment to detect when a highlight occurs, and how standout that particular highlight is.
- Product Owner: John Oksasoglu
- Scrum Master: Shensen Wang
- Development Team Members: Sam Sherman, John Oksasoglu, Shensen Wang
Visit our site
Click on an image to load a highlight, or log in with your Twitch account for a more personalized feed.
You can also use the search bar to narrow down the results.
- Node 6.6.0
- npm 3.10.8
From within the root directory:
npm install
In order for the app to be fully functional while developing (and for many of the tests to work),
you will need to configure a few environment variables. You can do so by editing the appropriate
terminal config file based on what shell you are using. If using bash on OS X, you will most likely
need to open up ~/.bashrc
, or ~/.zshrc
if using ZSH. Whichever file it is, paste the following
at the end of the file:
Ensure that each REPLACE_ME
is replaced with the appropriate values. Credentials for Twitch
will need to be obtained from the developer section of your Twitch account.
If you are using a local Mongo database for development, your MONGODB_URI
will most likely
be mongodb://localhost/twitchlite
to start Mongo if it is not already running.
npm run build:watch
to start Webpack and have it recompile the front-end on file change.
npm run start:server
to start the server running (defauls to port 8000).
npm run start:workers
to start the worker processes of finding and saving highlights.
See for contribution guidelines.