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version-1.6 GPLv3 C#


WebSploit is a web stress testing and pentesting tool, offering a useful set of tools to perform web level attacks. This app is meant to be ran in a command line interface with the approppiate arguments. This app is meant to combine hacking tools into one big menu to make hacking easier and more fun. MDC-WebSploit currently has tools for credential bruteforcing, information gathering and stress testing.

Disclaimer: I am under no circumstances responsible of any wrong way this app is used. Meant only for educational purposes and white hat hacking.

Commands and Tools 🧰

MDC-WebSploit is supposed to be ran in a terminal or a CLI. The commands and arguments are >>

       MDC-WebSploit v1.6 CLI. Help Menu >>        
>> Information gathering:
'-prtsc' - Multithreaded port scanner.
       [SYNTAX] : -prtsc <TARGET> <OPTION>
       > '-prtsc' Options:
          '-p' Scans only one given port.
          '-P' Scans a given list of comma sepraretd ports.
          '--p <OPTION>' Scans built-in list of ports.
                > '--p' Options:
                   '-20' Top 20 most common ports.
                   '-200' Top 200 most common ports.
'-nscn' - Network scanning tool.
          [SYNATX] : -nscn <OPTION> <TARGET>
          > '-nscn' Options :
            '-gh' Retreives host of given website.
            '-ph <OPTION>' Pings a given host.
             > '-ph' Options: [OPTIONAL]
               '-b <NUM Of BYTES>' Sets the ping number of bytes.
            '-pLan' Finds open hosts on the given network.
>> Passwords and credential attacks:
'-ftpl' - FTP Server credentials bruteforcing app.
          > '-ftpl' Options:
             '-b' For built-in dictionaries.
             ex: [SYNATX] : -ftpl <TARGET> -b -b
'-sshf' - SSH Server credentials bruteforcing app.
          > '-sshf' Options:
             '-b' For built-in dictionaries.
             ex: [SYNATX] : -sshf <TARGET> -b -b
'-ecrk' - Email (SMTP) credentials bruteforce app.
          [SYNTAX] : -ecrk <SMTP_SERVER> <OPT: '-s' for SSL> <SMTP_PORT> <TARGET> <-P <PATH TO WORDLIST>/--p for built-in (rockyou.txt)> <OPT: -v for verbose>
'-webcrk' - Website login cracking tool.
          [SYNTAX] : -webcrk <LOGIN_URL> <FORM DATA (separated by comma. mark the password field with [p] and the username field with [u].) ex: [u]email,[p]password, action:Login> <TARGET (username/email)> <-p <ONE password> / -P <path to wordlist> / --p (built-in : rockyou.txt)> <OPT: -v (for verbose)>
>> Stress testing:
'-uddos' Universal complete DDoS attack tool.
         > '-uddos' Protocols:
            '--http' Stress testing for HTTP websites.
            > '--http' Tasks:
                '-d' DDoS through multiple download requests.
                '-g' DDoS through multiple get requests.
                '-b' DDoS through multiple download and get requests. [SLOW]
            '--https' Stress testing for HTTPS websites.
            > '--https' Tasks:
                '-d' DDoS through multiple download requests.
                '-g' DDoS through multiple get requests.
                '-b' DDoS through multiple download and get requests. [SLOW]
            '--tcp' Stress testing for TCP servers.
            > '--tcp' Tasks:
                '-h' DDoS through packet flooding.
                '-e' DDoS through multiple connection requests.
                Target Format : <IP_Address>:<Port> ex: []
                [WARNING] : The target TCP port MUST be open or the requests will bounce back!
            '--udp' Stress testing for UDP servers.
            > '--udp' Tasks:
                '-h' DDoS through packet flooding.
                '-e' DDoS through multiple connection requests.
                Target Format : <IP_Address>:<Port> ex: []
                [WARNING] : The target UDP port MUST be open or the requests will bounce back!

Installation ⚙️

**Use the installer:**

1. For Linux:
2. For Windows:

Manual Instalation:

For windows:

1. Download the folder called websploit
2. Extract the folder and place it in a directory of your choice.
3. Run the file called WebSploit.exe in CMD or PowerShell as Administartor.

OR Download the windows installer from this link:

Disclaimer: Do NOT remove any of the .dll files or the app will cease to work.

For linux-debian:

1. Download the folder called WebSploit
2. Extract the folder.
3. Open a terminal and CD into the folder.
4. Run chmod 777 ./WebSploit
5. Run the app using sudo ./WebSploit