DataCamp tracks road map for computer science students.
Python Tracks road map for computer science students, which including the following main topics:
object-oriented programming
, databases
, mongodb
, data science toolbox
, python for r users
, python for matlab users
, command line automation
, aws boto
, unit testing for data science
, analyzing marketing campaigns
, analyzing police activity
, analyzing social media data
, arima models
, customer segmentation
, market basket analysis
, marketing analytics predicting customer churn
, working geospatial data
, supply chain analytics
, analyzing us census data
, data science
, feature engineering
, machine learning
, python for spreadsheet users
, exploratory data analysis
, winning kaggle competition
, probability
, statistics
, linear modeling
, network analysis
, generalized linear models
, practicing statistics interview questions
, experimental design
, customer analytics a/b testing
, time series analysis
, importing data
, cleaning data
, web scraping
, data manipulation
, dealing missing data
, joining data
, manipulating time series data
, working dates times
, pandas foundations
, manipulating dataframes
, merging dataframes
, pandas joins for spreadsheet users
, data visualization
, matplotlib
, seaborn
, bokeh
, geospatial data
, time series data
, ai fundamentals
, software engineering for data scientists
, preprocessing for machine learning
, linear classifiers
, unsupervised learning
, supervised learning scikit-learn
, machine learning tree-based models
, predictive analytics
, dimensionality reduction
, designing machine learning workflows
, machine learning for time series data
, machine learning for marketing
, human resources analytics predicting employee churn
, machine learning for finance
, extreme gradient boosting xgboost
, parallel programming dask
, fraud detection
, cluster analysis
, model validation
, hyperparameter tuning
, ensemble methods
, natural language processing
, regular expressions
, sentiment analysis
, feature engineering for nlp
, machine translation
, spoken language processing
, building chatbots
, advanced nlp spacy
, deep learning
, keras
, pytorch
, tensorflow
, recurrent neural networks for language modeling
, predicting ctr machine learning
, image processing
, biomedical image analysis
, credit risk modeling
, python for finance
financial concepts
, portfolio analysis
, portfolio risk management
, importing managing financial data
, garch models
, quantitative risk management
, financial forecasting
, pyspark
, data engineering
, spark sql
, big data fundamentals pyspark
, feature engineering pyspark
, cleaning data pyspark
, machine learning pyspark
, building recommendation engines pyspark
, airflow
, streaming data aws kinesis lambda
, building data engineering pipelines
reporting r markdown
, visualizing geospatial data
, joining data table
, marketing analytics
, r for sas users
, garch models
, survey and measurement development
, single-cell rna-seq bioconductor
, text analysis
, data manipulation dplyr
, linear algebra for data science
, classification
, tidyverse
, regression
, object-oriented
, tree-based models
, communicating data tidyverse
, analyzing social media data
, hyperparameter tuning
, inference for categorical data
, topic modeling
, handling missing data imputations
, data manipulation
, sentiment analysis
, statistics
, spatial analysis sf and raster
, text mining bag-of-words
, probability
, regular expressions
, hierarchical and mixed effects models
, equity valuation
, categorical data tidyverse
, r for finance
, machine learning
, parallel programming
, building dashboards flexdashboard
, bond valuation and analysis
, cluster analysis
, writing functions
, inference for numerical data
, visualizing big data trelliscope
, fraud detection
, arima models
, factor analysis
, choice modeling for marketing
, scalable data processing
, correlation and regression
, inference for linear regression
, bayesian data analysis
, cleaning data
, advanced dimensionality reduction
, ggplot2
, lattice
, time series analysis
, portfolio analysis
, logistic regression
, probability puzzles
, rbokeh
, statistical modeling
, business process analytics
, life insurance products valuation
, bayesian regression modeling rstanarm
, mixture models
, dealing missing data
, data privacy and anonymization
, modeling data tidyverse
, inference
, a/b testing
, market basket analysis
, spark sparklyr
, tidyverse
, visualizing time series data
, quantitative risk management
, feature engineering
, exploratory data analysis
, building dashboards shinydashboard
, human resources analytics: exploring employee data
, importing and managing financial data
, experimental design
, forecasting product demand
, financial trading
, big data r
, credit risk modeling
, support vector machines
, analyzing us census data
, forecasting
, predictive analytics using networked data
, joining data dplyr
, network analysis
, human resources analytics: predicting employee churn
, generalized linear models
, data visualization
, nonlinear modeling gams
, working data tidyverse
, importing data
, working web data
, differential expression analysis limma
, plotly
, optimizing r code rcpp
, dimensionality reduction
, natural language processing
, functional programming purrr
, anomaly detection
, network analysis tidyverse
, chip-seq bioconductor
, building web applications shiny
, analyzing election and polling data
, rna-seq bioconductor
, designing and analyzing clinical trials
, developing r packages
, working dates and times
, survival analysis
, bayesian modeling rjags
, tensorflow
, interactive maps leaflet
, multivariate probability distributions
analyzing business data sql
, sql
, intermediate sql
, exploratory data analysis sql
, relational databases sql
, joining data sql
, reporting sql
, applying sql real-world problems
, database design
, data-driven decision making sql
, sql server
, intermediate sql server
, functions for manipulating data sql server
, cleaning data sql server databases
, hierarchical recursive queries sql server
, time series analysis sql server
, improving query performance sql server
, writing functions stored procedures sql server
, transactions error handling sql server
, building optimizing triggers sql server
, creating postgresql databases
, functions for manipulating data postgresql
, postgresql summary stats window functions
, cleaning data postgresql databases
, improving query performance postgresql
, transactions error handling postgresql
, oracle sql
course name
, data science for business
, data science for everyone
, machine learning for business
, machine learning for everyone
, data visualization for everyone
, data engineering for everyone
, cloud computing for everyone
data analysis excel
, data analysis spreadsheets
, spreadsheets
, intermediate spreadsheets
, statistics spreadsheets
, error uncertainty spreadsheets
, conditional formatting spreadsheets
, pivot tables spreadsheets
, data visualization spreadsheets
, loan amortization spreadsheets
, marketing analytics spreadsheets
, financial analytics spreadsheets
, financial modeling spreadsheets
, options trading spreadsheets
, analyzing data tableau
, power bi
, bash scripting
, shell
,conda essentials
, building distributing packages conda
, data processing shell