pnpm install
pnpm run dev
pnpm run test
pnpm run test:watch
pnpm run lint
- tRPC for typesafe client-server communication
- NextJS for frontend and serverless api routes
- MongoDB as NoSQL database (hosted on Atlas)
- ts-mongo as a typesafe MongoDB client (forked version)
- AWS S3 bucket as an object storage to save images
- Zod for schema validation of APIs and MongoDB
- Mantine as a UI components library
- Jest and React Testing Libarary for integration tests
- ES Lint and Prettier for code linting and formatting
- pnpm as a package manager
- Vercel for hosting and CI
- Infinite scrolling
- Images uploading through clipboard paste or via file upload
- Multiline inputs (Shift + Enter), and Enter to send feature
- Image zoom/spotlight mode (click image to open in spotlight)
- Central error handling through mantine notifications
- Whatsapp-like responsive chat bubbles and images
- ES Lint and prettier for better DX
- Infinite scroll tests through Jest
- Github actions CI workflow for Jest